Anti-Depressive Delivery : The Best Of Antidepressive Delivery

Progressive Metal / Norway
(2011 - Musea Records)
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You've been working all your life to make the world a better place
And you're feeling proud of what you've done
No hard feelings or regrets on your dying day
Knowing that you'll soon be gone

Time to say goodbye to your dog and kids and wife
Grateful life's been good and long
Summer's here and you're feeling everything's alright
Expiring to your favorite song

On your way through the tunnel
Towards the light
Don't know where you're going
But it feels so right

Welcome to the beauty parlor, you're turning blue..
Let's see what we can do for you
Just a little make up here and there
And then we do your hair
I promise you, when we are through
You'll look better than if you were alive

All dressed up in a casket, looking like a clown
Dead flowers everywhere
People you never cared about gathered all around
Working hard to look oh so sad
Other people's vanity stealing away your pride
There ain't nothing you can do
Spitting on everything you ever fought for in your life
Even making you pay for it too

One last humiliation
One last painful show
Dying in this constipated nation
Gonna bring you lightyears beyond the deepest low
One last humiliation
One last painful show
Just one last perversion
Before they let you go


Inside looking out
At the city lights
Inside lights are out
And you're watching all the people in the night

The next thing you know, you're in tears
Opening doors that's been shut for years
And you're back at the beginning

Eleven years old wearing tinted glasses
Couldn't tell white from brown
Thought the paperwork was over
When you had only just begun

Your friends turn around and start to run
And you don't know what's going on
Holding their breath until they're gone
And you're left in confusion

Water under the bridge
Don't mean the same when the bridge is burned
And there's a sewer below
Nobody wants you and you want nobody
You've been among the living dead
For way too long

Glasses for better, glasses for worse
Glasses for eyesight and shelter from the sun
Tinted glasses is your curse
And you still don't know what went wrong


Maybe I will, maybe I won't
Knock on your door
When I come for what's mine
Maybe I will, maybe I won't
Give you a sign
At the end of the line

If I want, maybe I will give you another spring
If I want, maybe I will give you a song to sing

Maybe you will, maybe you won't
Make it through the maze
Make it to another phase

Play the right cards on the right table
Be on the right side
When the table turns around

Push the right buttons in the right order, with the right intentions
Any one's the lethal one
Bring the right luggage on your journey, only time will show
If it's your final one

Waste no time wondering about what's beyond what you see
I need no reasons, I follow no rules, when I decide what's to be

Life has a price and the price is your life
And the question is when to pay
When I get the feeling the moment is right
I'll be coming to take you away

I'm the Lifekeeper
Everything's undecided
Till the second I make my move

All that's for sure, is that nothing's for sure
Except that you're all gonna die


He turned around to wave goodbye
But her window was empty like a pictureless frame
She wouldn't bother if he died
And he cried

She's so young and cold
He's all white and old
She should have told him long ago
They were never meant to be

All he can do is walk on home
With all these questions in his mind

Is this really all there is to this, these days?
Is it really true what she said, that love just went away today?
Anybody help me find a way to make love not end this way

Feeling weightless on the surface of the moon
Asleep in his bed
Spirit ascending by balloon
Disappearing soon

Drifting away from this world of decay
And noone's gonna miss him anyway

All he can do is hope for peace
At the end of his final journey


Born in a tiny run down wooden shack
Downtown San Francisco
Her innocence was history well before she made ten
She never learned how to say no
So many guys, so many lies
She couldn't tell right from wrong
Her mother died, and she cried
The only one she had was gone

Twelve years old and all alone
Freezing in the street, with no idea what to do
Only one solution
Forced into making her living
At the one thing that she really knew

Made herself a fortune
Attending cops and politicians
Soon she was the busiest girl in town
Lawyers priests and thieves
As well as shrinks and physicians
She'd greet them all in her golden evening gown

Nobody stands a chance when she puts on her light
Without a word she'll make you get down on your knees
Soon you don't know if it's day or night
She takes you to the top, her face is just a blur
And when your time is up, your heart belongs to her

Everything has changed inside your heart
After what she did to you
Even though she took all your money
You just know her love is true

She puts her pride in her profession
She takes it to perfection
She knows what she's got and sure knows how to use it
She's got rhythm, she's got soul
She's a grown woman but she ain't old
She's got true love for sale
Get in line and get yourself some true love


Ever since I was a little boy
A song has been spinning in my head
Slips away each time I start to sing
And turns into another one instead
Drives me crazy

The day will never come, that's for sure
When there's nothing left to learn
Whenever you think you're on track
Might be the time for a U-turn
Crazy race

Feels like my mind is crippled in the cool morning breeze
Easy to choose when there's no possibilities

Sure as snow will not pile up in hell
Changes sometimes must be made
It might cost you a friend or two
But then again, you always lose a few
And it's always worth it

There's a guy that I once knew
Evil as hell, and mighty stupid too
Riding his horse out in the desert
Almost out of water, in the burning sun
A hundred miles from home, alone in the desert
Hours went by
And they came to a waterhole
And before the man got down, the horse drank it dry
Evil Joe got mad as hell
Spitting and swearing
Pulled out his gun
And shot his horse dead in the desert

Evil Joe didn't make it home
All they found was a pile of bones
All of his family
Were happy as can be

Looking for reasons to stay where you don't want to be
Is like looking for windfallen fruit in December
You are no longer living, you only continue to be
Doing things that you don't even want to remember

So many people gone blind
Looking for things they just couldn't find
Truth can't be found in the eyes of a hypocrite
I used to be a disciple myself
For too many years to count
Almost cost me my life to get out of it

After all these years, my straitjacket's gone
And it's such a relief
To wash away all the anger and grief
And you know, being naked
Makes it easier to conceive
I got it made like you would not believe

Looking back, it appears
There's been too many wasted years
No time for regrets and there's no use in tears,
So I've buried the past, and the grave is my stage
And this is where I belong
So I just keep on singing my song
Cause I'm too old to die young anyway

The never ending quest
For the song that keeps slipping away
Is the only reason I'm around today
And I'm here to stay
As long as the music keeps coming my way
And if there's no tomorrow, I'll see you the following day

lyrics added by cotok - Modify this lyrics