Annwn (UK) : From the Highest Citadel

Pagan Folk / United-Kingdom
(2006 - Self-Produced)
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A burning taste of flesh
Wades up from beneath the deep
A secret buried in depths below
Of which so many speak

A lifeless killer surrounds them all
No hope but to sit and pray
Of a quick and painless death
The end of a life to obey

A formidable foe this icey world
Strange creatures move beneath the glass
And the walls of time can penetrate no more
A dark shadow in the dead of night
What wonders do its depths contain?
Lost cities and men who failed to rise

In all its mirrored forms
It will remain to the very last
And consume all it touches
And leave us with an expanse so vast


I have seen the lands of decay
And I've walked through the valley of fire
But never have I witnessed such horror
I cry for those forgotten forevermore

A wolf runs his lonely race
Through the trees of fallen grace
Though his message of war is none too soon
But his body now bears a wound

He arrives at his destiny
For what seems like eternity
Close to death, his whispers to the room
"Heed my words, you'll follow me soon"

Take my hand, fallen warrior
Follow me too far away lands
Across the sea life eternal bound
Towards Arawn his whitened hounds

He felt the sting of the icey blade
The warmth inside of him died
The nearby trees cried their words
"We'll honour you tonight"

A creature as black as the night
Rode to where his body lay
It looked upon his shattered corpse
And found vengence that it might slay


Across the open planes a blinding light I see
Is this just a memory of that inside of me?
Time slows down and I feel my heart race
My hands tremble, as the wind cuts my face

Can you see my path through the mist and the fog?
The end of the journey will bring my own death
I know I will not return from this dream
But what is life if we hide in fantasy?

Come with me to a place of no pain
I can feel myself getting weaker
Your binds to your life are gone
The darkness now set in stone

To these chains I feel I'm no longer bound
A sense of freedom as the spirits gather round
I tell them fables, stories of men
Of strength and courage, though to the very end

Can you see my path through the mist and the fog?
The end of the journey will bring my own death
I know I will not return from this dream
But what is life if we hide in fantasy?

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