Annihilation (POR) : The Great Cycle

Brutal Death / Portugal
(2014 - Self-Released)
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There is a pulse
An electrical signal,
Which is generated from the cosmic womb
Into our Sun (and other suns)
And from there to the Earth.
The human heart, passed onto the brain
And goes out from there to the cells of the body.
When that pulse, that resonance,
Is passed through that sequence intact
And unbroken
The human being is at one with the cosmos.
Every cell is connected to,
And in harmony with,
The cosmic pulse.

When low vibrational emotion unbalances this connection
It breaks the circuit
And, once again,

Disconnects us from the Earth and the wider universe.
The heart-brain connection has been broken
In most people by the separation
Of the head, the heart, the intellect the intuition
The physical and spiritual
Is governed by energy cycles.
These consciousness cycles
Are like doorways or gateways
Which open for those
Who are ready to move through
Into a much higher state of consciousness
When these gateways are missed,
The cycle begins again until another gateway

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics