Anima Mortuum : Under the Sign of Moon

Black Metal / Chile
(2022 - Headlight Productions)
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Life itself has lost appeal
In a combination of paradigms
Interpellate God, the great safeguard
For a postmodern vision

In a blink in science
Faith is weakens
In thousand thoughts

At the paradox of realms
Seduced and obsessed
At their halftime paradise
Poorly gratified

Self-convicted that life can be encoded
Within books of their imperious knowledge
Behind a colonialist narrative
I see it in your conceited sensitivity

Wises bluffed by his own self
From an optic at the human's border
Space-time of deity cannot be reduced
To the mensuration of cognizable life

A description of what they see
It's a place of their quantified soul
Beliefs turned into demonstrations
Is still a war between in and paper

A construction of new reality
That born under the other truth
And sells with pure fallacy
To convince a merchant audience

That needs faith sustained in science
Making up their quantified soul


Living in an everlasting impasse of terror
Captivity within the silent torment
The darkest dream...

Everything is falling in the shadows
From a cross carved in rotten wood
The saints cross the border of perversion
Wounding the soul, wounding the hope

Unable to rest
Unable to speak
Unable to escape and recover what is his
What was stolen from his heart


Silence pulverizes what remains of faith
A black tumor grows in the deep of soul
Feded by memories of pain
Wearing the scarlet letter

In a maze of trauma and terror
Without eyes, without words
In a maze of secret lies
The true darkness among priests
Living hell, dying in pieces
Helpless among the hungry beasts

Now, almost dead he's praying if there is a God
While he covers his scarlet mark written with blood
Disguise indolence in a guilty love
Twisting the truth, diverting him out the path


Puercos inmundos que corrompen las conciencias
De los idiotas que rechazan la verdad
Sus mentes frías y lenguas podridas
Que con doctrinas falsas traen destrucción

¡Juicio! Quema las almas de los que no creerán la verdad
¡Bestia! Criatura asquerosa, con sólo una frase de Dios caerás
¡Muerte! En las iglesias que han profanado el nombre de Dios
¡Sangre! De los bastardos predestinados a condenación

¡Cerdos! Del vaticano, violan pequeños, ocultan pecados
¡Sucios! En su codicia los que predican la prosperidad
¡Caigan! Los traidores que distorsionan las leyes de Dios
¡Sufran! Hijos del Diablo, guían sus pasos a la perdición
¡Juicio! Quema las almas de los que no creerán la verdad
¡Bestia! Criatura asquerosa, con sólo una frase de Dios caerás
¡Muerte! En las iglesias que han profanado el nombre de Dios
¡Sangre! De los bastardos predestinados a condenación


Infernal blackened shadows surround me
Cold winds freeze my pale flesh
Demons search for a dwelling place
Behold I am who they seek
Darkness envelopes
Evil attacks
Night falls as voices call
From deep within nocturnal forest
In the distance they beckon me
Yet I feel their cold breath near
Darkness envelopes
Evil attacks
The Master, summoned
Belial is banished
I beckon the Almighty God
My hand outstretched to Him
He rescues me from my fate
A fate surely worse than death
Behold, I owe my life to Him
Shall I ever be alone
The Eternal One shall never abandon me
Nor will I ever be forsaken
For He doth shield and protect me
In the shadow of His Wing
For darkness enveloped
Evil attacked
Belial's hordes
The Master conquered

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