Anger Within (GER) : Lost Path

Metalcore / Germany
(2007 - PC Records)
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Soon the world is gonna be okay. Don't fear the future – pray. Your god will help, his hand is leading, while the rest of this world is bleeding. No problem – they had no beliefs for sure. American bombs will be their cure. Soon their minds will be free like ours. While their country is raped by occupation powers.

In got we trust. Feel the might of his bombs. In god we trust. See the crimes of his sons.

Did you see how they tortured their prisoners? Did you see the fat soldier riding his slave? Did you see dancing cheer leaders at their war camps? Did you hear their president's speeches about the fair and brave?

Switch of your tv live-show. See the war coming to your town. A new fast food store opens its gates. Uncle sam is the name of that clowns. Without a fight this world will decay. But fear the future – the will pray. Your god won't help, his heart is bleeding. Seeing how his once great sons are leading every nation into mud. But will you ask: where is your god? We will smash the chains of occupation and fight for freedom of every nation.

In got we trust. Feel the might of his bombs. In god we trust. See the crimes of his sons.
In got we trust. Feel the might of his bombs. In god we trust. See the crimes of his sons.


They do what they are expected to to. They are watching tv the whole day. They use drugs, get drunk and fuck around. The live the way of life that you call decay. To be up to date, for them it's a must. They magazines show them: what they do is okay. So they worry if they don't look like their tv stars. Or if they cannot encourage, themselves to be gay.

The world we talk about is not so far away. It's all around your house. The little girl of your neighbor was raped tonight. So how long will you keep shut your mouth?

This world is untrue. Heaven for a few – not for us. A decadent paradise that you compromise. Isn't that worth more fuss?

The world we talk about is not so far away. It's all around your house. The little girl of your neighbor was raped tonight. So how long will you keep shut your mouth?

Cheated by the media you gave up to think. But it isn't that difficult to find the link between their plans they wrote down so many years ago. And the state of human minds that is now so low. See the link, their ship of lies has to sink. Quit the new style. Finish them with a smile.


Scream. You don't want it. But you are forced to submit to their way of life. Decadent way of life. You hate what they do. You know the criminal few that rules.

You life in a nightmare of rage and tears, because everybody lies and everybody fears, to lose his state of prosperity. You life in a nightmare of rage and tears, because everybody lies and everybody fears, to lose his state of prosperity.

Blood runs down the street that you have to walk down. To reach the standards you hold dear others laugh at our ways. In their ignorance they soon will drown while fulfillment of your life is near. Run – the street is about to decline. Run – to overcome the pain. Run – the street is about to decline. Run – to overcome the pain. Scream. Run the street that's about to decline. That's the source of your mental pain.


You call me stupid because i refuse to hide. When the mass teams up with the devil, i choose the other side. Living on my knees? No way. I stand and fight – even at my last day. No responsibility – that's your life. “others will do it – so i don't need to”. If they are arrest one more fool you just laugh. But soon you're gonna feel: the joke is on you.

So fucking stand up. Stand up and fight back. You fear it, but you can. In the name of freedom it's time to attack. Don't fall asleep again.

I know you dislike what you see. But be sure: it will always be like this if you don't change it right now. I'm gonna tell you how. Name the devil, educate your nation. Live for higher values than fun and vacation. See through their lies, learn to feel the hate. For those who wanna tell you that it's already to late.

So fucking stand up. Stand up and fight back. You fear it, but you can. In the name of freedom it's time to attack. Don't fall asleep again


Hate is what i feel inside me. Hate is what will set my mind free. Let it all out – don't hold back your thoughts. Show them your hate – there shall be no doubts. Too many reasons to be not like them. Too many reasons to dislike their way. So many ways to fight back. They force your people to decay.
Hatred - burning deep inside my heart. Hatred – the fight for freedom has to start. Now, now.

See them buying, eating, boozing, sleeping. See the fucking around with no trust in the future. No dreams, no hopes, no perspectives. You just wanna explode while seeing them creeping. The time is now to change the world. Soon you will be too old. You will die, and they'll forget. And establish a youth that is weak and fat.

Hatred - burning deep inside my heart. Hatred – the fight for freedom has to start. Now.

Show them once it has been different. Only the strong survived. Life was to be active. Otherwise you had to die. Kick the booze right out of their hands. Fast food addicts should take a cure. Cigarettes, decadent fashion – abolished! Life could be so pure. Infect them with your hate. Soon it will be too late. We need a legion to fight the spirit of the times. Call a spade a spade – they legitimate crimes.


The years are passing by, the struggle goes on. “don't give up, be strong, it can't be wrong”. It what they tell you, but what is their aim? You have to see the same faults again and again. “this is the fight” they claim while selling cds. Meet each other at their shows and do a new release. In order to profit from the scene once again. What's about you – are you a fighter or just a fan?

Still i can see no light. Tell me, where is the sense in your fight? The truth is: to the system you'll forever bend. Because when it's done making money for you will end.

It's so stupid – you fight because you wanna fight. No reason for you to end our nations night. It seems like you like to have the enemy around. If it would be different no victim could be found. So why do you wanna be a part of the movement? You don't give a shit about any improvement, for your people, your strength you wanna gain. But what you fighting for you cannot explain.

Still i can see no light. Tell me, where is the sense in your fight? The truth is: to the system you'll forever bend. Because when it's done making money for you will end.

So listen, what the fuck you do it for? Beating up people, breaking the law. For you it's quite funny, you don't need any cause. When will you learn, the path you follow is just false? Nationalist you call yourself, oh no what a lie. You lie to yourself, the truth you deny. For their political fight others sit behind the bars. But you raise you glass to your foolish rock stars.

I hate the scene. A bunch of fools. No trust, no values. The system tools.


They spend their money on a hypocritical lifestyle. Trying they have everything they could wish for one day. For that they sell all their dignity. For that they become estranged from humanity.

But later you can hear them pray. Church is their crutch. For their sins others shall pay. God will heal their wounds. God shall know that they are the holy. They are the holy we are the damned.

“these new clothes look so great” built by a child's hand. “and they have been so cheap” – too late. For them to learn what life is about. Nothing more than a helpless shout.

But they can read it in the papers. “look like this”. So they say it must be right. “written down it can't be wrong so join our one way flight”. Straight to hell. No fear, you are with the majority. But they will damned on day and not the holy. God is dead. And not the holy. God is dead.

I am proud to be damned by them. There is no god. I am proud to be different. I was born to be more than what they will never reach to be.


You're watching the streets and you're full of fear. You're so weak. You have no courage if you get attacked. You're so weak. You're shitting your jeans when i look in your eyes. You're so weak. You better watch your back because it could be me. You're so weak. But when you carry your gun it makes you a man. Uniformed in green you're the hardest ever seen. You work for a state its inhabitants hate. But you feel your might at the side of the right. After kicking my door you push me on the floor. You think you are great while dictating my fate. But i'll meet you again, see, i'm your biggest fan. So i will follow your steps, you won't notice, but perhaps. I will show you how weak you really are. Your bullshit job didn't get you far. One day you'll be the hunted, you'll never be free. What i had to face soon you'll have to see. Because i am your conscience.

You're beating up your children, you're so weak. You get drunk every night, you're so weak. You talk about the glorious past, you're so weak. But you refuse to rise and fight, because you're so fucking weak. But feel strong when you are with your friends. Boozing and searching for a fight. You'll wake up next morning and it ends. But you are strong again next night. You're so weak. You're so weak. You're so weak. You're so weak. Tell me how weak a man can get. You're a coward, lame and fat. So you admire those soldiers, strong and brave? You'll be the opposite of them until you're in your grave. Tell me how weak a man can get. You're a coward, lame and fat. So you admire those soldiers, strong and brave? You'll be the opposite of them until you're in your grave.


Remember a time so many years ago. Life was close to nature. No chemical destruction of the earth. People were healthy and their minds were clear. But today we breathe mordant air. We are surrounded be decadent flair. No way to hide, destruction all around. No place of salvation can be found. Fight back – they destroy what once created this world. Their revolting ignorance is what i despise. They don't think about the future, their god is called profit. Those who see it trough have to rise.

We lost the path of our forefathers. Instead we follow the ideals of others. We need to find the way back home. We need it now – no time to roam.

What have they done to our people's soul? Nothing is left on any values. Everybody lives for superficial fun. While the downfall of their kind has begun. The way forward is the way back to what, our ancestors have been like. There is no need to deny the past. Reality is what we need to face and overcome. Remember a time so many years ago. Life was close to nature. No chemical destruction of the earth. People were healthy and their minds were clear. Free from lies, free from lies.

We lost the path of our forefathers. Instead we follow the ideals of others. We need to find the way back home. We need it now – no time to roam.
We lost the path of our forefathers. Instead we follow the ideals of others. We need to find the way back home. We need it now – no time to roam.


You walk down the street and smell teenagers poising themselves. Smoking children. See this cool boy – beer makes him a man. His friend is smoking pot – seems to be a hip hop fan. Brainwashed.

Drugs are for losers – do you wanna be one? Drugs are for losers – overcome your addiction.

Listen to how they talk. See the way they act and walk. Ghetto-like. See their promiscuity . There is no trace of dignity. Like animals. See the primitive guys enter the porn store. To them every woman is a whore. No sense for faith and family. Just wasting a life for perversity. Fucking scum.

Porn is for losers – do you wanna be one? Porn is for losers – overcome your addiction.

See the people buying shit they don't need. With new stuff their minds they got to feed. They may have seen too much advertisement. So they carry out their engagement. Brainwashed.

Their fashion is for losers – do you wane be one? Their fashion is for losers – overcome your addiction.

Their world is for losers – i don't wanne be one. Their world is for losers – improve your perception.


Walking through the streets i see all the decay. It sickens my heart realizing things stay. Like they've been long ago when i started this fight. Once again i saw the old man, when he cried. And thought of better days, but these days are gone. So i'll never give up until the battle is won.

When it comes to the crunch, where will you be? We need your commitment to set the world free. From lies, from destruction, from pain, from cruelty. To build a new worldwide hierarchy.

Knowing the truth is a crime these days. The world turned into a clockwork that regularly pays. The bills, which it got from the enemy. Nobody likes to face it, but everyone can see. But your eyes you keep shut. While he lives by your blood.

When it comes to the crunch, where will you be? We need your commitment to set the world free. Don't be shy like this, become strong again. In this fight you just need to give as much as you can.

Stop it – they lie and should be stopped. Stop it – the only way to survive. Stop it – read the books that they tried to ban. Stop it – and reclaim your life. End their terror, start to think. Encourage others to go the same way. You are the mass, so behave like the strong. For all their crimes soon they'll have tom pay, pay, pay, pay, pay. Stop it – they lie and should be stopped. Stop it – the only way to survive. Stop it – read the books that they tried to ban. Stop it – and reclaim your life.


Strength is what we need. Mental power – hard to train. So start to become strong today. Refuse the modern lifestyle. Go your own way. Our people are weak, our people are lame. They didn't notice: they are to blame. For all the things that they don't like. So show them that they could be of might. They just need to rise against the dark clouds. Which darken the sky for so many years. We need to become the sun that lights up the sky and tries our children tears.

Fight the languor – strength and pride. Fight the languor – will bring back our might.

Shout it out loud: we wanna be free. Tell your people to rise from their knees. Get the sword back in your hand. That you put aside for so long. Our people needs to stand up strong. No excuses – now we need to fight back. Otherwise we will never be free again. A once clear heaven has become brown and black. A once proud nation has turned into an ocean of pain. No excuses – now we need to fight back. Otherwise we will never be free again. A once clear heaven has become brown and black. A once proud nation has turned into an ocean of pain.

Don't sand motionless, when they offend your nation. Don't turn your eyes to the ground when they beat up the likes of you.

Fight the languor – strength and pride. Fight the languor – will bring back our might.

Rape, murder, violence, drugs, robbery – silence? No, we will speak out the truth. For this fight we need to encourage our youth. Anger is not enough. Action has to be rough. Like these days so follow our ways.



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