Angelique : The Seven Principles of Kybalion

Symphonic Metal / Brazil
(2020 - Roadie Metal)
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“The Principles of Truth are Seven;
He who knows these, understandingly,
Possesses the Magic Key before
Whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”

All is Mind.
'The All' is the true nature
Of Energy, Power, and Matter,
Find the Master Key

As above, so below;
As below, so above.
And the harmony will be
In Physical, Mental and Spiritual Plane

Vibration and motion in everything
A life with no rest,
Energy, Spirit and Mind,Nothing else Matters,
Just be higher, change your mind

Two sides, two poles
Truth or Not Truth
Light or dark, sharp or dull
Noise or quiet, just degrees...

Measured motion,
A to and fro,
A flow and inflow,
Rhythm, between two poles

There is no cause without effect,
And there's no effect without a cause.
There is no such thing as chance
Trust your mind

Get the gender
No creation, physical,
Mental or spiritual
Is possible if you don't understand the laws
To the pure, all things are pure;
To the base, all things are base.

“The lips of wisdom are closed,
Except to the ears of Understanding.”

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics