And Hell Followed With : Domain

Deathcore / USA
(2008 - Statik Factory Records)
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The air becomes unbreathable
as my flesh contorts with the flames.
This atrocity made in flesh
once bore the face of a man.
Now in mockery of my former self,
my laughter fills the air,
the voracity of the wind
silencing my last discernible voice.


"A grain of sand amidst endlessness,
your mortal life of no worth to my own for it is meaningless.
I have many names amidst the tongues of man,
but eternal I have been and I shall always be."

My abhorrence for your misuse of predominance
is unequal to the disgust of your own people.
Now descending upon the misfortunes of your reign,
in silence burning are the eyes of all that was foreseen.
The famine of their existence,
their suffering in eternal anguish
shall with broken back endure
the burden of your dying breath.

You writhe in agony, your flesh entwining with flame.
A smile crosses my lip-less visage for your screams appease me.

The bereavement of this evening
shall in dust-swallowed volumes be lost.
This contorting mass of flesh before me searing in the dark
shall by my hand be no more than ash.
Your cries in death for mercy are of foreign tongue to me,
for I, no man of any tribe am beset upon this earth.

I know nothing of human mercy
as it churns my endless maw.
Displaced from this world to the next,
this cloak of night-flesh worn.

And I shall ferry thee through the immense abyss.
The midnight air, she scowls.


The noose-shaped constricts my throat,
slithering the nape of my neck.
Their ways, they are not like my own
(for my words are not venomous).
Truth has many faces, even that of deceit.
They know nothing of my thoughts,
for I too, keep secrets.

A forked tongue is easily hidden behind a grin.
Their intentions aren't hard to read.
Nightfall brings with it the scent of the morgue,
calling forth the slithering liar.

My lies shall rot with me, for I'm an honest man.

Whether worm or serpent, they slither,
and I have bedded down beside them
(contradicting my word).

Your throat is choked with dust,
but still your tongue is forked.
You ramble on with cursed words until I cut it out.

My lies shall rot with me, for I'm an honest man.


The wane of my crescent fixation,
the moon she doth corrodes.
Thousands of voiceless faces
besmirch the darkened canopy.
This winter's night, needful and torturous,
has unearthed many secrecies
amongst caskets sealed forever (I once believed).

Forgive my pessimism,
but I suffer only regret,
committed to this loneliness no more.

The flames of my disbelief,
a silence among the deceased and foreboding.
This elegance entombed within these grounds
was not of my hands' doing.

The malefic stars weep upon her resting place,
a loss I've mourned for countless seasons.
And it were by the grace of God
that I be spared this ill fate
to be with her once more,
engraved in eternal sleep.
The maelstrom of the night,
her embodiment in the mist.

Death, ye heartless bastard,
thy taunts shall not distress.

My grief begotten heart awakes
in absence of her warmth.
But she will know the night air once more,
as my hand caresses hers.
How long since summers past
have the boundaries of life withheld?
No more, the melancholy night beholds.
A burial gown, our night swept feet
shall tread.

And we shall immolate together,
our ashes forever entwined.

"My heart burns there too."


Futility in clawing at my flesh,
a pain that runs deeper than veins and tissue.
My organs, the womb to a terror within.
A scourge unto this sterile world,
I am a carrier.

Unearthing this sickening truth,
fingers embedded within my infected wounds.
Pustules, the mark of their movement;
trailing sluggishly within my vessels.
Pestilence, my becoming.
From the bowers of man,
this formless terror shall ascend.

Skin wearer, your form deceives me.
Your hundreds of malefic voices
taunting in harmonious tongues.
Sores, enumerated by their feastings.
This living decay, a tide of tainted waters upon pure sands.

My secret runs deeper
than the veins beneath my skin.
With eyes that watch
from the bottom of fed upon sockets,
this usurping world has irked my every sense.

Cloaked beneath this drape-like cloth,
anticipation moving decayed legs,
this husk of skin deteriorates.
I shall ascend this edifice,
and with quick step,
unleash this infestation
upon an unknowing, unclean world.




The luminosity of your existence
shall not succumb to the hands of negation.

The contrary has taught me
that with golden feathered wings you will ascend.
The tragedy of such a day as this
has burned its place in my peaceful mind forever.

And I beheld your star,
burning brighter than the rest.
But as we who remember mourn,
the stars do not,
for your flare shall light the way
for all those lost who wander.

This tragedy has burned its mark
in every corner of my heart,
but it is to you that I look
when I fall upon my knees;
my eyes forever towards the sky.

It is with this sorrow in my mind
that my eyes shall forever gaze upon the sky,
knowing this truth more than myself,
that this regret shall not prevail.

But your memory still gives me strength.

Don't be disheartened.
Your journey does not end here.
My eyes forever towards the sky,
your journey does not end here.


The night has decreed,
the wretched born of her pale breast
shall purge their thirst upon the throats of you vermin.
The dread of mankind
has too long plagued my ancient race.
My shadow shall endlessly stretch across the land.

The streets shall run red by dawn in silence;
taking the form of my prey at daybreak.
Kingdoms shall kneel at my feet by the thousands,
fearing the sound of my voice forever.

I'm envenomed with this avarice,
plagued by thirst as old as man.
My wings of doubt, unhinged;
cry to the empty skies.
Your enemies may have come upon
the backs of their horses,
but it is upon wings that your miseries have come.

Cry to the empty skies.
What hath God wrought?

The warmth within your veins
shall burn the darkness in my heart.

My form once seen before
in the nightmares of children and cowards.

I, that of a world beyond the stars
have brought from the crypt, eternal life.

"He came with the sunset,
disguised with the face of a man."

Your suffering shall be legendary.

I'm envenomed with this avarice,
plagued by thirst as old as man.
My wings of doubt, unhinged;
cry to the empty skies.
Your enemies may have come upon
the backs of their horses,
but it is upon wings that your miseries have come.

Cry to the empty skies.
What hath God wrought?

The warmth within your veins
shall burn the darkness in my heart.

My form once seen before
in the nightmares of children and cowards.

My brethren of the night come forth!


Unlocked, the mechanism's gears turn
in their graves of rust.
These ancient turbines
will breathe coal-thick darkness again.
The cryptic thing lurches forward,
a rhythm set in motion
amidst stillness and decay.

Those buried within its confines
have long-since been dust-swallowed,
withering amongst their inscriptions.
These beings engraved this mockery of science
deep within her flesh, the soil of earth.

Behind iron hide, the ghosts of their will remain.
This structure of a lesser cause
in making of a decadent vision.

Their will be served for the gears,
they turn once more.

How could but men build this?

Its cause consumes my whole
for it is unknown to me.
But this machine shall serve its purpose,
whatever that may be.
Whatever hell I summon
shall be wielded as my harbinger.

Devouring my self-worth
in make of a greater cause,
this thing shall be once more.

This legacy is ever mine
for by my ancestor's hand am I bound to its hull,
its frame.

This machine, my bloodline be

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