And Came Back Brutal : Apollyon Teleo

Deathcore / USA
(2010 - Self-Released)
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He is the alpha and omega

Te beginning and end we are just miniscule beings
A spec on this earth and our life is but a glimpse.

Cleanse these sins make me whole again and
Burn my flesh so i breath your fire.

Its time to teach the masses who who fear
give or take 70 years to meet the maker
even he who prowls around in search
Of your stumble fucking answers.

I wont let the rocks cry out
Any-longer im scorching this earth
In your fire tonight.


Worthless speech into the sky grasping the air
At what is alive you think something
Is there praying pity on your life welcome to reality

This earth is all you got and you're worthless
With your brain all tied in knots you say
I worship a cadaver but you're wrong

I feel sorry to know that the famine of the earth
Has made you believe all that's left skin bone
And flesh is all u see so blind to the big picture.

Our lives mean nothing and your flesh will rot
Along with everyone else's you thought mattered
When all is done this universe will implode

Without even a thought to your pitiful existence
You give your life for an empty shell a lost cause that is
Your own life for u I feel pity for you I feel sadness,
To think you're life is 70 years with nothing to show then

3 bastard children idling to you is without cause .
3 bastard children idling to you is without cause .

So step up to the plate
And show me what you've got
Prove me wrong

And with nothing to show nothing
To look forward to you worship a cadaver
And with nothing to show nothing to look forward to you
Worship a cadaver a flesh being in your own existence.


Were all killers with the blood of many on each hand
U think your special a fuking saint

Will u thought wrong because even mother Teresa was a filthy
Whore now think how you compare when judged by this

We are born and unclean with the taint
Of thought and all feeling
With only one way out death and life for we are part of. Disease this global epidemic we always were

Tis is bearcore

We know were wrong youve said it before
We will watch you kingdom burn to the ground
As if its never even existed

Were all killers with the blood of many on each hand
U think your special a fuking saint

Will u thought wrong because even mother Teresa was a filthy
Whore now think how you compare when judged by this

W will watch you kingdom burn to the ground
As if its never even existed
Burn and fall to the ground

Not perfect not even in our mothers eyes but one thing
Is sure i know where i belong and who with im comforted
Vy my brother en and together we will watch your kingdom
Burn to the ground as if its never even excisted.


I stand firm
But I am the CEO of the World Wide Web
I hire and fire and let complacency
But I am the CEO of the World Wide Web
I hire and fire and let complacency
Lead you like a dance, you obey
And climb Jacob's ladder
Your steps harbor innocence
But your feet become mine
As you scream for help. but you cant get out
Because the changes that you've made
To have your eyes sewn shut
Where is your god where is now where is he now?
Who's all listening???
You're in my grasp
You're in my hands
I breathe embers from my master, now time to watch you quake
Your knees split and I watch you fall
You seem to have forgotten this one thing
No one will end your suffering
Even you breathe, you see,
And you hear the words that I speak
Hear the words I speak...

Well look where you're standing
Look where greed's gotten you now
I fear nothing!
Even as I bleed I watch your descent
And clinch the noose and break goes your neck
My limbs may be torn
But your broken with no death
And clinch the noose....And breaks your neck


You beat on a drum
Eurhythmic in time, meant for beauty but now out of rhyme
Out of sinc
Out of breath
The blood flies high
The blood flies wide
When the shadow passes, and the blood falls
The altar calls
Who's the Kinsman Redeemer
Who's your Kinsman Redeemer

I cannot just stand here and wait
For the eurhythmic march of man's gifted gait

Lost our pace in this race
Tripped up by the current like a whore living in fantasy
Like a tourniquet it wraps itself around the ankles
And infects the heart until a truth bleeds a lie
And the whole world cries

But I would rather walk with the sheep in the shit
Than with the wolves on the other side of the fence

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