Anarkhon : Into the Autopsy

Death Metal / Brazil
(2009 - Hexamorphosis Productions)
Mehr Infos


1. B.D.S.M.

Your flesh belongs to me, humiliation is my pleasure
Blood is also part of the ritual, with tools of corporal destruction
Whips, daggers, daggers and knives, everything will be used to cut you
Your body will be violated and torn by my morbid game

Thai balls are introduced in your ass
Handcuffs arrest their pulses and they gangrene the blood
Their eyes begging for my mercy
While I choose which breast will start with the axe

I spill my hot sperm on you
Mixing with urine and catarrh
You won't be penetrated by me
But for my beautiful insects

First I put a cockroach in your vagina
It walks for their bowels and it scratches your uterus
Then I put a rat in your ass to lacerate your colon

You struggle and I masturbate
Since I watch you suffer with my creatures
From here I can see the cockroach inside of you
And to listen the rat gnawing you

Bondage........ you implore for my mercy
Bondage........ I deserve your flesh!


Mortal remains found every place
A terrible slaughter happened at that house
The policemen had never seen such thing
Bodies everywhere, hung and mutilated

On the table something got the attention
A baby with the open belly and without heart
Beside him a woman that seemed to be the mother
With the sewn vagina and the broken neck

I was there, and I didn't believe
In what had in that place
The smell was terrible, I wasn't able anymore
To see pieces of flesh and blood

That seemed to be a murdered whole family
Father, mother, children and even the dog dead and hung
The murderer didn't leave any track
The case closes up.... and the murder will
Will kill again.


People were taken to the hospital but didn't return
Employees and patients appeared died
Diabolical rituals happened inside
Everything commanded by a psychotic surgeon

A place above any suspects
Where a man, gets fun with human flesh
As a slaughterhouse the murder is covered by blood
He feeds himself by organs, bones and genital

Cannibal doctor, as he was know
For those that knew and shared his insanity
His master plain was to gather
The largest numbers of patients for then to destroy

A sanguinary man, capable of anything
It drained the victims blood and then took
His macabre plan was almost consummated
While their patients died, he likes to watch

The next victim would be a poor baby
A stillborn one that he wanted to kill

Now with the baby in the hands, begins the operation
Everything that he wants is transform that creature in aberration
Pulls your head and in the place puts a dog's head
Inverts the feet and the hands and in the place of the eyes puts a cock.


Killing, deforming and skinning
This is the pleasure of the maniac
Your victims are decapitated
It is incredible his cruelty in killing

It drops blood of the axe
Pieces of human skin in his mouth
The victim is tied and keeping screaming
While die, is deformed and skinned

His morbid pleasure is dress himself
With victim skin felling your hotness
All your blood is savored
While sew a beautiful dress

Other victim without skin, he will burn
Eating his kidney, the prey suffering, he
Make up the fire the victim knows that will die
Now is possible to see the satisfaction in his eyes

For his surprise the victim seems to be alive
And the psychotic has fun with the supposed sacrifice

He feels pleasure to see the victim on the ground
He is ready for the final blow
Now he rises the axe and the victim scream
He will kill him you can believe

The last blow, is the final attack
Is already almost accomplished his massacre
Just one thing to the finish
Rape the body, and devour the victim


A terrible nuclear, accident, make the earth to sprout
Grotesque creatures thirsty for human flesh
Worms and venomous insects ready to attack
Whole human race and with it to exterminate forever

They invade their houses and kill the animals
They enter in their bodies and it puts eggs in their organs
They corrode your brain and dominate your mind
They chew their eyes and squeeze your throat

Their bodies turn into cocoons for the creatures
That they kill and exterminate what to find for the front
Anything and nobody will survive
To the terrible sanguinary worms

Now they migrate for the next place
Leaving a trace of blood and death behind
Hide where you can
To survive the carnage

The people run, trying to escape
Of the terrible destiny that waits for them


Arrested by great walls
A beautiful scenery for an orgy
Demons incubus prepare the ritual
Strident screams spread the magic

A diabolical desire
Make the nuns tear the pants
And suck each other vagina
And biting the breasts masturbated
Profane screams were heard
They were sacred ass possessed
With the arm penetrated the vagina of the virgin
With the cock it tore the ass of the slut nun

It devoured some breasts. Enjoying the soft meat
The blood gushed, the bones broke
The demons killed for pure pleasure

In the chapel demons burned when seeing
A cross to penetrate among two hot ass
Possessed nuns attack the priests in the sacristy
Urinating in the face one of them kills suffocating
Him with the own vagina
They changed the penises for a rib
Sucking and fucking cum without stopping
Demons flew they threw bodies
For the be impaled, broken heads


Today you will lean as eliminating the victim with pleasure
Choose your prey, man, woman, child, old so much does
Be creative, mutilated a part, perforate an organ, he has to die
But calmly we don't want to destroy the blood show

Use the appropriate tools, hammer, handsaw, axe and knives
But care, leave the knives for the end, because it's fundamental

Now with the hung body, as in a butcher shop
Pull all of him hair and make small cuts
Remember him should not die yet, the knife is the main
Pull their testicles and make him to eat

Anesthetized by the pain, he cannot fell you bite their eyes
An incision in the armpit, make him to bleed as a pig
Now yes, you are ready to use the knife and to stab
Hold this worm tight and stab in the head

Now it's only to let him bleed
Sit down and masturbate while waits


Poisoned she goes out to die
Unsatisfied with life no pleasure
Was attacked by a violator
Hopping for pleasure she addicts
Hallucination job the violence
Impose by her hangman that fan himself
Bit her breasts, box in face
Asphyxiate and ass penetration

Feeling the poison run in her body
She sucks until stifle
Exciting her hangman
Perceiving that death draw near
She try everything to cum
But her effort don't difference
Her mind darken and stop the heart

But the spirit it fell the agony
For can't to cum
And to attached in that body
Until for vagina to ejaculate
In sexual expression
Try all manipulate
The doctor made your first victim
Fell a strong attraction
He seems the face of dead to smile
And her lips called to dance

Dancing with a body dead
He fucks her with pleasure
Until visceral secretion go out


An alone woman and embittered, that lived atone with your son
Widow for a long time, felt a lot of sex lack
But who would want fuck with her
An old one horrible and disgusting
But your desire arrived in an unsustainable point
Then she started to see your son, with other eyes...

But how to convince the son the fuck with the own mother, she thought
Then it doped the boy, to satisfy your perversion,
While the son slept she sucked him

Fit in your disgusting pussy in the cock boy
It roared and equal moaned to a whore
Damned bigot that nailed the values and the truth
She cum as a lunatic but it was not still enough
She wanted to be possessed with the awake son
Waited him to wake up and she offered as a whore

The boy didn't believe in the one that see and heard
Your own mother wanting to lie down with him

She then noticed that it would not convince him
Him undressing and she fucking
Madness she is going for top of him
The both struggle and with a scissor she hits the neck

The son falls in the ground agonizing and she doesn't demonstrate any remorse. infuriated, she sits down on him and it begins to sway as a lunatic screaming without stop... "come let the mom cum" in an absurd action of madness she pulls your heart, she gets up with her son's heart in the hand and raisin to observe and has a terrible idea

The heart still to pulse she puts completely in the vagina
She screams and screams without stop,
Arriving to an intense orgasm
And feeling last pulsation sons inside


Tied and can't make anything
She has all her violated holes
In your mouth a mixture of tears
Blood and hot sperm
A molestation and vulgar rape
Since the victim cannot speak or scream
Exactly like this to poor woman is dead and seedling

That makes everything more exiting
For the violator her fact not to defend it is exiting
Handcuffed and forced in an alley
Darkness and full of mice
That walks between her legs
And bite your clitoris
Desperate to try to escape
She pretends to be died

She closes the eyes and begin to pray
For the murderer to believe
That it is really died
And can leave there free

Furious he notices that she breathes
Taken by the hate
Then she mutilates
One of her breasts
Making her if it contorts
Of so much pain
It will be her end

Her tortures her without stop
To each cut of the knife
With all the force
She continues bleeding


Enquanto fode o cadáver, seus alunos estão a observar e no meio Deles uma linda jovem está, ela nem imagina o que irá acontecer: os Alunos a agarram e a colocam sobre a mesa......

Enquanto seu belo corpo é aberto na necrópsia
O doutor se masturba, acariciando sua vulva
Ele posiciona o cadáver para penetrar, aquela linda garota.
Seus instrumentos cirúrgicos irão facilitar
A penetração na boca, no ânus e na vagina
O seu corpo é aberto com ela ainda viva
O doutor ejacula em meio a gritos de agonia

O chão esta lavado de sangue e esperma
Um líquido estranho escorre entre as pernas
A dor que ela sente faz as fezes escoar
Do seu ânus, que está a putrefar

A sala de autópsia se transforma em masmorra
Onde os legistas estupram a garota.
Ouvindo os gritos uma médica vai ajudar
Mas será mais um cadáver para a suruba
Ao entrar na sala não acredita no que vê
O corpo da garota aberto sobre a mesa
Eles olham pra doutora como possuídos
A agarram pelo braço e a colocam de joelhos

Eles a obrigam a engolir seus paus
Cheios de tripas e restos do cadáver
O doutor satisfeito, continua a masturbação
Vendo que seus alunos aprenderam a lição.

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