An Norvys : Sins and Stones

Folk Metal / France
(2012 - Self-Released)



Even if my father says it's not wise
He'll let me reach Zennor church in disguise
Out of the waves I will feel paralysed
Listening to this sweet voice will be my prize.

Here I'm sitting, and marvelling at this boy :
His voice and his face
Make me feel like
He's the only one in this place

It's ebb tide... So soon... Well, I should be leaving

How could I ever live without your singing?
My thirst for love is quenched by your sweet singing.
Each night I'll come to you, swimming, then crawling
No sea : my scales are drenched by your sweet singing
But when the sea ebbs I must leave you, crying
Because I can't let humans see or seize me

Here I sit, it's been a year
Since your song first flew to my ear
What's become of me?
All I want's a glance from him
I know it's time to leave, why am I staying?

How could I ever live without your singing?
My thirst for love is quenched by your sweet singing.
Each night I'll come to you, swimming, then crawling
No sea : my scales are drenched by your sweet singing

"First I heard just a sigh
Turned round, and what a sight
So fair a face, so strange a gleam..."

I caught his eye
Now I exist
What have I done? I Must exit

Tide's long gone she crawls
Matthew follows
Her, his folks
Are on his feet

"Matthew don't follow her,
You'll lose your soul!
Stay, don't leave your people
Stay with your kind,
Leave her behind!"


Here he comes

Here he comes out of the dark
One furlong high, teeth like a shark's
Says I sing just like a lark
Wouldn't eat me but try to light a spark

Of love... he proposes
Why would I accept?

Here she stands, perfect picture of beauty,
She sang and utterly beguiled me
This pure, delicate thing must marry me
Please, order, I'll do what you will

He could have killed me
But here, he's on his knees,
Begging and pleading,
He must love me
But he'll never have me

If you love me, do as I ask
I'll marry you if you do this task
One after another 'till the last
We don't need to go that fast

If you love me
Well, come on, prove it

I won races,
Defeated so many knights,
Proved I was stronger than all the others.
Now she wants me to shed my own blood
Such a fool I'll do as she will

If you love me, then show me :
Slice your wrist, let your blood drip,
And fill up this hole What's a
Few gallons of your blood,
Compared to all the blood that you've shed?
What is it when so many are dead?

See your blood flowing down,
Into the waves not to the ground,
It's a bottomless hole,
I've avenged my people!

For all you've done to my kind,
I'll take your life away.
Now that evil dies,
We'll have brighter days.

Let your blood
Flood the whole world
Let it swirl (into the waves)
Let it drip
'Til the last drop


The sun's coming down on Boleigh
It's time to attend Sunday vespers
Soon, we'll be chanting and praying
Our lord and feel closer to him.

All ready for the walk
Never wished to spend my time there
All ready for the talk
Never wished to stay sitting there
On our way to mass,
Time will pass so slowly
All of us heading to the church
But all I wish is a lurch

But when I hear
This melody flowing to my ear
But when I hear the pipes blowing
This rhythm comes up to my knees,
Some say I'm insane,
Others obscene
One thing's sure : I am not the same.
Whether you're old, whether you're young,
Come and enjoy, dance along,
Will you go wild, dare turning rash,
Join our circle, come along,
Let your feet, follow the beat, dance and welcome the heat
Now, we're not the same.

We were ready for a good laugh
All we got is godly wrath
Thunderstruck by heaven
For behaving like heathens

A flashing light
Which caused so much fright
A cold bite
Making my limbs so hard and stiff

I may be made of stone,
But look closely
I'm blooming inside
Maybe I can't move my bones
But look intently
I'm dancing inside


Wandering man
Walking alone along the moor

Look at these eyes and this sword :
Gilded letters on his belt.
He is the one
Who slew the giant

A hero
On his way
To rid the island of its monsters

The Giant Blunderbore
Has kidnapped three lords,
Killed 'em and holds
Their wives as his whores

Brave Jack stops to drink and sleep
Blunderbore the giant sees
The one who killed friend and
Takes him to his lair

Blunderbore invited
Another giant to eat
Jack managed to hang 'em,
Slit their throats wide open

By saving them, once again, he proved his worth
Out of their cells the ladies will spread the word

Jack's already gone away
The wild rover
Has resumed his journey
Aiming to Wales
Ready to kill his bravery
Never fails

Monsters, giants, wolves beware
You'd rather stay in your lair
Come and face him if you dare
But you will not survive his glare

Hidden, somewhat tamed
By his spreading fame
Creatures all around
Fear Jack's might

;歌词由 添加 Lou_Tou - 修改此歌词