Amberian Dawn : The Clouds of Northland Thunder

Symphonic Heavy / Finland
(2009 - Suomen Musiikki / Ascendance Records)
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Cold breeze blows in a misty grove
Making dying leaves
Fall on the Forgotten one.
Sleeping in a frost-covered ground
Waiting for someone to find his lonely grave.

And so did winter come over the grove
with beautiful, pure white snow.
Covering all the tracks of struggle and fight
Of an ending life.

In a grove sleeping
Silently sighing
Lonely, forgotten this wandering soul.
Coldness is creeping
Only one sleeping
In the grove covered with cold winter snow.

Northern winter in darkness and cold
Makes the icy tears spring in his lonely soul.
Sitting next to his own frozen corpse
He wishes he could rest and haunt no more.

After the winter came a blooming spring
White wood anemones within.
Where his body rested, flowers turned red
As if marking his bloodstained turned bed.

In a grove sleeping
Silently sighing
Lonely, forgotten this wandering soul.
Coldness is creeping
Only one sleeping
In the grove covered with cold winter snow.


"Its not a dream, and it's not your imagination."

I'm lying in my bedroom restless at nights
And feeling someone lying next to my side
I hear a heavy breathing
Someone next to me and watching me!

Incubus: Sweet dreams now come to me, your fresh is weak!

I sense and know its presence yet I'm asleep!
Someone is preying upon my sleeping mind!
Whispering, calling, desiring
And squeezing with all its might
It's trying to take over me and choke me!

A nightmare seizes me in a freezing grip
I feel cold fingers running, taking a grip.
This spirit's lurking in my sleep
And giving in I'll sleep for ever more!

Incubus: Sweet dreams now come to me, your fresh is weak!

I sense and know its presence yet I'm asleep!
Someone is preying upon my sleeping mind!
Whispering, calling, desiring
And squeezing with all its might
It's trying to take over me and choke me!

Preacher: The flesh is weak!
Walk in the Spirit,
And ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh!

I sense and know its presence yet I'm asleep!
Someone is preying upon my sleeping mind!
Whispering, calling, desiring
And squeezing with all its might
It's trying to take over me and choke me!


Fire has left Väinölä's hearth stones
Light has gone
Dark nights no light under the sky
Hard to find the Fire-child

Eagle of fire with fiery feathers
Made a spark
Ukko made the Kokko's spark
Kindle as a fire

Fly into the night bring back the light
That left the hearth stones
Find the light Eagle of fire
Fly through skies, let there be light!

Dark skies ablazed with fire when
Kokko flew across the Heavens
After the child, the child of fire
Floating through the vaults of ether.

Ether maidens cradled the fire child
In starry skies
Slipped through the hands of lady Ether
Escaped from silver cradle

Low descends the dome og heaven
Upon, under
On the edge of the ether
The clouds of Northland thunder

Fly into the night bring back the light
That left the hearth stones
Find the light Eagle of fire
Fly through skies, let there be light!

Dark skies ablazed with fire when
Kokko flew across the Heavens
After the child, the child of fire
Floating through the vaults of ether.


In the shades of
The verdant forest
Tender and mild winds
Are washing the leaves.

Echoing whispers
Lead me to valley
Where a tree stands in
A silver dress

Leaves shaped of tears
Of sorrow and lonely years
Gleaming in the light
Of the rising sun

The silvery leaves are
Covering all my tears
As I sit under the
Willow of Tears.

Whispers are calling
In beaming dreamy air
On the meadow where
The willow and I,

Wait for the mist to come
To dance on the silver pond,
It slowly guides us
To eternal sleep.

Leaves shaped of tears
Of sorrow and lonely years
Gleaming in the light
Of the rising sun

The silvery leaves are
Covering all my tears
As I sit under the
Willow of Tears.


In the middle of the forest wild,
He's kneeling in front of a pond so wide.
Staring into dark and silent waters
He joins the stream taking the hand of other.

See how your brothers
Lie in waters
If you just let them hide their tears!

Shallow waters
Eating brothers
Darkest whirlpool
Let me pass!
Stream of sorrow
Wide and narrow
Let this sad soul
Pass your halls!... Hollow halls!

In wells' abysses, he dwelled in dark and deep, in
The kingdom of Ahti he's the Knight of Eels.
Reclaiming from the stream my brother and my kin
I'm reaching the great blackness that him binds.

See how your brothers
Lie in waters
If you just let them hide their tears!

Shallow waters
Eating brothers
Darkest whirlpool
Let me pass!
Stream of sorrow
Wide and narrow
Let this sad soul
Pass your halls!... Hollow halls!

I cannot breathe... I cannot breathe...


Leaving his dreams and family
Leaving the life behind
Searching his will and
Searching his hope
Searching the peace of mind

Off to the valley
Off to the shore
Of to the seven seas
Wandering man and
Wandering soul
Wander in land of dreams

Now long and dark is the road
And heavy is the load
And you're about to fall
Into emptiness, your
Eyes are losing the light!

Take me into your arms
Take away
Take me with thee and flee.
Calm restless heart and
Calm sirens call
Calm me before I fall!

Aching in me and
Ache in my veins
Ache from the venom sweet.
Forgive me my love
I'm already lost,
No more for you to keep.

Now long and dark is the road
And heavy is the load
And you're about to fall
Into emptiness, your
Eyes are losing the light!


Before the Era of the human
The seven mighty bears
Ruled the northern land with firm hands.

From the fellowship with human
Were born the seven sons
Who would people the cold Northland.

"They fled this world to the stars leaving their lands to their newborn sons!"

Under seven stars,
Seven stars of Great Bear,
Grew the Seven Sons of
Mighty bruin and man.

In stars the souls were raised,
Souls were raised to our land.
Sons of Seven Stars
Mighty bruin and brave man!

In the veins of these young men
Ran blood as thick as tar
Fiery souls hungered to woodlands.

Through the dark backwoods they wandered
And with only bare hands
They ploughed the frozen, poor land.

"Force of the claws in their hands,
Human hearts lived for their fir tree lands!"

Under seven stars,
Seven stars of Great Bear,
Grew the Seven Sons of
Mighty bruin and man.

In stars the souls were raised,
Souls were raised to our land.
Sons of Seven Stars
Mighty bruin and brave man!


When one must overcome
And one must fight for light and some
Came across the power of the sea
Or the blowing of the North-wing.
Then were the times ahead
For men in victory or death
Still bravery of them is told in Saga!

These stories are about the
Honour of the brave men
Stories about ancient feuds,
Tales of worthy men.

Heroic deeds are part of
History, then man's worth was
Determinated by glory in battle
In arms and war.

When one must overcome
And one must fight for light and some
Came across the power of the sea
Or the blowing of the North-wing.
Then were the times ahead
For men in victory or death
Still bravery of them is told in Saga!

Noble men the Sunborn sons
They fought for their fatherland
Next to their kings and their gods
For their dignity.

These stories, the Sunborn Sagas
Seal the bravery
Of young vallant warriors
Riding to glory.

When one must overcome
And one must fight for light and some
Came across the power of the sea
Or the blowing of the North-wing.
Then were the times ahead
For men in victory or death
Still bravery of them is told in Saga!


Made of snow is her heart and her soul,
Living only from winter ice and the breeze, so cold.

Daughter of Spring and Frost,
No warmth in her heart.
Daughter of Spring and Frost
No warmth in her heart until he came…

Lel oh Lel oh Lel, play your flute again!
Spring, warmth and sun will come and soon
They will melt her heart!

Spring came brighter and paler she grew,
Tears rolled down from her eyes springing streams new.

Daughter of Spring and Frost,
No warmth in her heart.
Daughter of Spring and Frost
No warmth in her heart until he came…

Lel oh Lel oh Lel, play your flute again!
Spring, warmth and sun will come and soon
They will melt her heart!

There she stood before Lel barely alive,
Falling onto the damp earth she looked at the sky.
Made of snow was her heart and her soul,
Living only from winter ice and the breeze cold.
Daughter of Spring and Frost,
No warmth in her heart.
Daughter of Spring and Frost
No warmth in her heart until he came…

Lel oh Lel oh Lel, play your flute again!
Spring, warmth and sun will come and soon
They will melt her heart!

She vanished and a light mist rose slowly to the blue sky...


Fiercest hunter, Eye of Ra
Lady of Slaughter, Lionheart.
Balm for her heart were destruction and death
Deserts rose, from a lethal dose of her steaming breath!

She stalked the land with arrows of fire
From her bloodlust flooded the red Nile
Growing hunger and thirst lies within
As Pharaos ride with a might of hot desert winds.

Fearless goddess the
Sekhmet, Eye of Ra
Ablazing in a midday sun and heat of Sahara!

Hunger of the
Fiercest Daughter of Ra!
The Nile is running blood-red
Soothe the wildness of the lion goddess!

Cobra and sun disk on her crown
Colour of blood red was her gown
Lioness deity with a grin
Hunting for prey, in the light of the day she turns on and kills.

She slew the mortals who plotted against Ra
Murdered the people around Sahara
Bloodthirsty deity was tricked with a sight
To drink from the Nile, abandon the fight and save humankind!

Fearless goddess the
Sekhmet, Eye of Ra
Ablazing in a midday sun and heat of Sahara!

Hunger of the
Fiercest Daughter of Ra!
the Nile is running blood-red
Soothe the wildness of the lion goddess!


In the early sky
I see the light of the Morning star
Shining bright, and
From the open ground
I hear the harmony of voices singing far away.

Follow the light,
It will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
With only one reach you can touch the First light!

Purity, eternal shine
Power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.

To the sky I send my light,
Join the power of the morning star and
Wholeness of the greatness
Sun and Stars, the Milkyway in the wide Universe!

Follow the light,
It will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
With only one reach you can touch the First light!

Purity, eternal shine
Power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.


The ancient singer went
Lamenting through the forest
Heard the birch wailing.
Now drawing nearer he asks the sacred birch tree
Why art thou weeping?

Giving wood a shape of a harp!

Weep no more thou sacred birch tree,
Grieve no more, my dear friend and my brother.
I will turn thy grief to joy and fortune!
Make thee laugh and sing with gladness and joy!

The ancient singer made
A magic harp from birch wood,
Fashioned of summer.
He takes the harp in his hands,
Turns the arch up, looking skyward.

And magic notes follow!

Weep no more thou sacred birch tree,
Grieve no more, my dear friend and my brother.
I will turn thy grief to joy and fortune!
Make thee laugh and sing with gladness and joy!


Shadows are getting longer
Moon is rising yonder
Awaited moment is near!

Welcome season Darkness,
Defeat season Lightness
Luna, Selene, Mani!

Child of the moon bringing us the Omen!
End of the harvest, shall start the darkness
New fire will be now set alight
Shadows will hide the moon, Omen is spoken!

Smoke is rising from the
Fires burning for harvest
Welcome Samhain, dark time!

To become again silent
Light of the moon still violent
Ancestors join us tonight!

Child of the moon bringing us the Omen!
End of the harvest, shall start the darkness
New fire will be now set alight
Shadows will hide the moon, Omen is spoken!

Lyrics geaddet von Christian - Bearbeite die Lyrics