Alchemy (BRA) : Vertigo

Doom Metal / Brazil
(2001 - Self-Released)
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Look to my useless hands
They wear no golden rings
And they drive no last year's car
Look to my empty chest
It wears no military vest
And it wears no holy cassok

Say i'm the fruit of your sin
Just an old dream
That turned into a shameful reality
Mother, it's too late
Name me the disgrace
That you gave birth...

Speak my unholy name
It sounds just like a joke
In the lips of the rest of the name
Don't treat me as a broken toy
I want respect! I want joy!
Don't say that I'm not even a man

I swear that I won't cry
When you ask yourself
Where have you been wrong
Father, please try to forgive
This strange mistake that you

Eyes can see and can feel
All the sorrow of a family
Say my name and feel regret
For calling me your son

Throw me through the looking-glass
I'll pretend, I don't care
When you say that you'll spit on my grave
Close the door, don't let me in
Disinherit me
But please forgive me
For having existed...


I-The locked infant
What is this strange thing
That exists inside my being?
My world, my reality
My box of future dreams
So fanatic haughtiness
Messianic truth
This stupid way of loving
That destroys my life

Someone defecates on my life
He enters my brain
Makes me feel pain
Makes me die once again
But i can't get free from this worm
That lives inside each drop of my pleasure

Mutilated sanity
Psychotic tenderness
A demon whispers to me
Succumb to your madness!
I am lost inside this life
I feel caged within my mind
I must break to freedom
Destroy my walls of self-control

Self-control is a straight jacket
Chilling my fire
Refraing desires
Teaching me to be sane
Now the worm possessed my flesh
And with a smile i will be free at last

II-The awakening of the individual
I open my wings willing to fly
Illusions of greatness
Feeling as a god would feel
In his divinity
I escaped from the void of my soul
Seeking for something else
Because i am not merely a man
I am a force of life

If society comprehend our world
Why did they created moral?
If humanity have freedom of will
Why do they follow religions?
I affirm that we are our own god
And our own devil
Able to saciate the quick of myself
I understand that i can be imortal...

III- The warning ( Last tear...)
Open up your eyes before it's too late
Exaggeration is the law
Be free to yourself, surrender your ego
Because you are not alive, you are dead in your life

This is the fatidic end
Of my insane tale
I hope tou have understood
My egotic prophecy
We are the same pieces
Of this somber chess game
Being a king or a queen
Is our reason to exist...


I have a holy mission in this life
Offer a last hope to mankind
I'll give them bread and wine
Open my heart
To purify man
Man was born under hipocrisy
Bashfulness and falsity
Disgrace and sexism
Oh your lives are just a great lie

Take my hand my crippled children
For I am the Messiah

The crown of barbed wire on my head
The plastic crucifix on my breast
My sperm is your host
Peels are the pages of my holy book
I condemn your moral decadence
I rape your false inocence
Drink of my blood and my feces
Imbibe of my life and make it yours

I'll redempt you from your sins
Just embrace my undubitable truth

My powerful voice leads the herd into the promised land
The fire of my sacred bullets free
You from this empty existance
I am the man who will save you from the infernal punishment
Take your sheet and take your life
And take the road into the gardens of Eden...

Althought humanity don't comprehend
The precepts of my testament
The beauty of my illuminated soul
My love for life and my goodness
They classify it as mental illness
Nobody sees that i'm a samarithan

Thus listen my faithfull children
The only ones who could understand
That I am the person
Who shall guide you into paradise
Time of salvation finally came
The final act of my game
A massive suicide
Will make all of us angels of a new dawn

I am the last of the saints
Your sacrifice will symbolize
A new era...


Part I : The Enemy Inside

In these ancient times
When the fire was so high
Lightning the paths of the men who
Must ride away from evil

Lost in a distant land
They walked over the sands
That burned their exausted feet
There's no chance to live, just fall by
A force that brings torment and pain

Never stop, never fight
Their lives are lost, the reason why
The evil still controls the world
The hatred that's burning inside

The fear caused by death
Is stronger than their last breath
Scared faces seem to be
Poor victims of destiny

Their hearts, their souls, their minds
This curse was divine
Their hearts, their souls, their minds
The enemy is inside

Bloody fate in disgrace
The end of all human race
Sickness hovering and controling
All the dreams of mankind

Tragedy and pain
Temptation in their veins
See the ruins of a civilization
Killed by evil's assimilation
Rage and fury everywhere

Never stop, never fight
Their lives are lost, the reason why
The evil still controls the world
The hatred that's burning inside

The fear caused by death
Is stronger than their last breath
Scared faces seem to be
Poor victims of destiny

Their hearts, their souls, their minds
This curse was divine
Their hearts their souls, their minds
The enemy is inside

Part II: The Insanity Curse

No more strangers
No more surrenders
They keep the fire against
The evil side

The burning hatred
They have inside
It's just a bit of knowledge
To make people die

Clouds are black over the skies
Furious thunder divides
Lost men in decadence
Lost lives prepared to die

Fugitives of a world
Desolated by the law
Of a reign of terror
That spread madness for them all...

Now their time is gone
The master on the throne
Saw all those scared slaves
Dying one by one

The whiplashing slaughter
Cicle of genocide
All those desperate souls
Falling into greed and decay

The tale starts to end
The curse was thrown among men
They've chosen it, they wanted to
Embrance this strange force of evil
Guide their souls through an inner hell
See the truth that is inside you
You are your worst enemy...

Lyrics geaddet von IllusionLord - Bearbeite die Lyrics