Ahzidal : Revolt on the Ashlands

Black Metal / USA
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Brought on by years of enslavement
Invasion once again plagues our lands
Men, women, children, now serve the great house
Long foretold by the ancient kin...
It's time to rise!

Storm the Gates, side by side
Swarming hordes of barbaric overlords,
Linked by one mindset, a mindset of supremacy.
Victory, a great plague now vanquished
Destruction of the Gates in the Marsh
Dremora tremble at our might!

Leaving our kind in glory
Leaving our land in a new era,
Leaving our masters weak.
The time has come, to slice the hand
That whips us.

To sever the head of incompetent fools,
With our comrades, we shall annihilate
The Great Houses...
Back to the northern lines...

Mournhold lies, sacked and smoldering,
Many now flee, exhiled from their own lands.
A thousand years of slavery,
Now pays its toll in blood and ash!

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics