Agriculture : Agriculture

Black Metal / USA
(2023 - The Flenser)
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I saw the ocean from up on a hill
And I looked out upon
The waves

I looked out upon the waves
Become individual things out of the mass
Breaking all over themselves

I looked at the waves
And felt surrounded

I felt the water deep in my lungs
I felt the water deep in my lungs
And I let myself slip away

Taking it in…
My body – give it away.

An empty space
With nothing after all

This it!
This is the Ocean!
My body – give it away.

Nothing to begin with
And nothing after all

(Rise and Fall and rise and fall rise and fall ∞ )

Time held me green and dying
In the mercy of it’s means
Though I sang in my chains like the sea
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea


A mother
Reaching out with a tiny mouth

“I can’t just watch the boy die
All alone, and both of us crying”

The sand gets wet
Two little salty piles
Mother and child alone

Then God
Reaching out with mighty hands

“The well was always there
Fill the skin and give the boy a drink
Let the sand get wet”

There is always plenty of water
The mother and the child

3. LOOK, PT. 1

A mother
Reaching out with a tiny mouth

“I can’t just watch the boy die”

All alone, and both of us crying
The sand gets wet

Two little salty piles
Mother and child alone

Bright eyes
Opened up by mighty hands

The well was always there

“Fill the skin and give the boy a drink”

Let the sand get wet

There is always plenty of water
Mother and child alone

4. LOOK, PT. 2

In Dallas plain—
A wide vector of thing
You call a big empty—
Warm, hovering in situ.

And in this sand,
An endless pain
Of judgment and self-
The same stiff air
All my life

And through it all,
You call my name,

And, seeing me,
You, divinity, call

A car engining,
Dead Road,
All alone, ride.

You pull my arm.
You, calling me.
You suffer fate
And self—

And through it all,
You call my name,

You turn around.
You’re hollowing.
You couldn’t find me in the dark.

5. LOOK, PT. 3

Reach in your chest and pull out your heart
Reach in your chest and pull out your heart

Reach in your chest and pull out your heart
Reach in your chest and pull out your heart

Righteous Man
Dreaming on an airplane
Of light conversation
Light conversation

Righteous Man
Dreaming on an airplane
High above it all
Light conversation and laughter


Relier, Relier, Relier.
Outside my window is a tree
I look forward to seeing it in the morning when I rise.

Relier, Relier, Relier
This is the holy dark: outside choices that you can’t make
how it’s beautiful to accept you are part of everything
With no control.
Trust! Trust! Trust!
I call it God…

God in ______

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics