Agathodaimon : Carpe Noctem
Cînd lumea se preschimbã-ntr-o umedã-nchisoare
În care-n van speranta, biet liliac se zbate
Lovindu-se de ziduri, cu-aripi sovãttoare
Si dînd mereu cu capu'-n tavanele surpate
Deodatã, mînioase, prind clopote sã sarã
Si catre cer urlã-ngrozitoare
Lungi si nesfîrsite convoaie mortuare
Încet si fãrã muzici prin suflet trec mereu...
M-ati sfintit cu roua suferintii
Si mi-ati pus venin în sînge
Iar speranta-nvinsã plînge
Ca sufletul meu
Si muta-i gura-dulce a altor vremi
Cind timpul creste-n urma mea
Iar eu mã-ntunec!
E-o orã grea si mare
Ariple-mi negre în ceruri se-ntind
Astfel lume amuteste la-ntunecãri solare
Astfel mare amuteste vulcane cînd s-aprind...
Cînd prin a vietii visuri ostiri de nori apar
A mortii umbrã slaba cu coasa si topor
Taceti! cumtac în spaimã, crestinii din popor
Cînd evul asfinteste si dumnezeii mor!
Se mistuie-n moarte si durere
Vãpaia care-n mine a stralucit
Ciutata întristare ce creste ca sie marea
Pe-un tãrm stincos, pustiu...
Peste flãcãri, peste fumuri, pe cadavre descãrnate
Pe cîmpii deserte, pe altare profanate
Vino, s-asezi pe ele tronul tãu de oseminte
Înalta-te în culinea fumegîndelor morminte1
Cãci eu nu mã las înrobit de tine,
Streifen von schwarzen Schleiern bedecken langsam die Sonne
Oh Mond meines Lebens, verhulle dich mit Schatten...
Nahere dich mir, oh Stern,
Sei grausam,
Sei duster...
Meine einzige Konigin,
Mein ganzes Wesen verehrt dich,
Jede Faser meines Ich
Streckt sich dir entgegen
(Dunkle Schatten begraben sich tief in der Nacht)
Wir sind ein Blut, feierlich jede Nacht
Doch das Fleisch ist kalt,
Durchbohrt von deinem Schatten
Alles, was du mir schenkst, macht mich trunken
Seien es Schmerzen oder endloser Traum!
Versklavt von deinem Blick
Trinke ich aus dem Zauber Deiner Augen
Wahrend du mich bis zum Blut streichelst,
Mit rabenahnlichen Krallen
In deinem Bett, Abgrund des Vergnugens
Verschwindet jeder qualende Gedanke
Dein Mund; eine nicht austrocknende Quelle,
Verstromend ein Gift, das langsam verbrennt...
Verbrennend meine Seele, meine Essenz
In den Flammen, die du, Wesen der Finsternis,
In meinem Herzen heraufbeschworen hast!
Doch du scheinst den Zenit von meinen Augen zu entfernen
Die zu den schwarzen Unendlichkeiten ausgestreckt sind
Und jedes Mal, wenn der Mond verschwindet
Wenn die Nacht zu gehen scheint...
Und Schatten langsam verbrennen
Halte ich gierig meine Konigin in den Armen
Wie ein Sterbender, der leidenschaftlich sein Grab liebkost
(Viele Schatten habe sich tief in dieser Nacht begraben)
Blood began to clog
Still in the rain,
Some things can't be remembered
And some are harder to forget...
Deep into the darkness peering
Long I stood there fearing
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
But the silence was unbroken
And the stillness gave no token
And the only word there spoken
Was the whispered word: Veritas
This the dark whispered
And an echo murmured back the word
Merely this and nothing more!
Fools and faith conspire
Questions of desire
That they never owned before
Kings without their armour
Men without their honour
We all slip into oblivion
Monuments of distant knowledge and remains
Stare undying from this end into the life
They are the dark inside the night
The ghosts of which the poets write
And the dreams that night's embrace
That slowly leave without a trace...
Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii
O, doamna a tacerii,
O, vas al intristarii
Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind
cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
O, suflet sparge-odata, ingustati inchisoare
Si scutura-te-odata de-alest lut pamintesc!
Oh, the scarlet skies
drown the cold sun
Onto the funeral cries of the dying eve
And there's a foreign shade in mine
It's the time's greedy scythe!
Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii
O, doamna a tacerii,
O, vas al intristarii
Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind
cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala
Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind
Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare
Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare
My ruined world's denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions... Immortality: be now mine!
My ruined dreams - remains of tortured years
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?
Words of sorrow... sail,
Travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility... fail,
Dancing on my wounded lips
I'm dying mostly alone within life's thin disguise
And I can't tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized
The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost its brilliance
My words become so trivial...
Loosing all desire, loosing all, but pride.
..Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp ...
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala
"Te vad, Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei"
..Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna:
"Dispari cit mai curind!"
..Caci visu-mi mu-i un dis pamintesc!
My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul's already tired of search
My ruined dreams - Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
For whom? But who's to know?
(no lyrics available)
Cînd lumea se preschimbã-ntr-o umedã-nchisoare
În care-n van speranta, biet liliac se zbate
Lovindu-se de ziduri, cu-aripi sovãttoare
Si dînd mereu cu capu'-n tavanele surpate
Deodatã, mînioase, prind clopote sã sarã
Si catre cer urlã-ngrozitoare
Lungi si nesfîrsite convoaie mortuare
Încet si fãrã muzici prin suflet trec mereu...
M-ati sfintit cu roua suferintii
Si mi-ati pus venin în sînge
Iar speranta-nvinsã plînge
Ca sufletul meu
Si muta-i gura-dulce a altor vremi
Cind timpul creste-n urma mea
Iar eu mã-ntunec!
E-o orã grea si mare
Ariple-mi negre în ceruri se-ntind
Astfel lume amuteste la-ntunecãri solare
Astfel mare amuteste vulcane cînd s-aprind...
Cînd prin a vietii visuri ostiri de nori apar
A mortii umbrã slaba cu coasa si topor
Taceti! cumtac în spaimã, crestinii din popor
Cînd evul asfinteste si dumnezeii mor!
Se mistuie-n moarte si durere
Vãpaia care-n mine a stralucit
Ciutata întristare ce creste ca sie marea
Pe-un tãrm stincos, pustiu...
Peste flãcãri, peste fumuri, pe cadavre descãrnate
Pe cîmpii deserte, pe altare profanate
Vino, s-asezi pe ele tronul tãu de oseminte
Înalta-te în culinea fumegîndelor morminte1
Cãci eu nu mã las înrobit de tine,
Streifen von schwarzen Schleiern bedecken langsam die Sonne
Oh Mond meines Lebens, verhulle dich mit Schatten...
Nahere dich mir, oh Stern,
Sei grausam,
Sei duster...
Meine einzige Konigin,
Mein ganzes Wesen verehrt dich,
Jede Faser meines Ich
Streckt sich dir entgegen
(Dunkle Schatten begraben sich tief in der Nacht)
Wir sind ein Blut, feierlich jede Nacht
Doch das Fleisch ist kalt,
Durchbohrt von deinem Schatten
Alles, was du mir schenkst, macht mich trunken
Seien es Schmerzen oder endloser Traum!
Versklavt von deinem Blick
Trinke ich aus dem Zauber Deiner Augen
Wahrend du mich bis zum Blut streichelst,
Mit rabenahnlichen Krallen
In deinem Bett, Abgrund des Vergnugens
Verschwindet jeder qualende Gedanke
Dein Mund; eine nicht austrocknende Quelle,
Verstromend ein Gift, das langsam verbrennt...
Verbrennend meine Seele, meine Essenz
In den Flammen, die du, Wesen der Finsternis,
In meinem Herzen heraufbeschworen hast!
Doch du scheinst den Zenit von meinen Augen zu entfernen
Die zu den schwarzen Unendlichkeiten ausgestreckt sind
Und jedes Mal, wenn der Mond verschwindet
Wenn die Nacht zu gehen scheint...
Und Schatten langsam verbrennen
Halte ich gierig meine Konigin in den Armen
Wie ein Sterbender, der leidenschaftlich sein Grab liebkost
(Viele Schatten habe sich tief in dieser Nacht begraben)
Blood began to clog
Still in the rain,
Some things can't be remembered
And some are harder to forget...
Deep into the darkness peering
Long I stood there fearing
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
But the silence was unbroken
And the stillness gave no token
And the only word there spoken
Was the whispered word: Veritas
This the dark whispered
And an echo murmured back the word
Merely this and nothing more!
Fools and faith conspire
Questions of desire
That they never owned before
Kings without their armour
Men without their honour
We all slip into oblivion
Monuments of distant knowledge and remains
Stare undying from this end into the life
They are the dark inside the night
The ghosts of which the poets write
And the dreams that night's embrace
That slowly leave without a trace...
Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii
O, doamna a tacerii,
O, vas al intristarii
Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind
cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
O, suflet sparge-odata, ingustati inchisoare
Si scutura-te-odata de-alest lut pamintesc!
Oh, the scarlet skies
drown the cold sun
Onto the funeral cries of the dying eve
And there's a foreign shade in mine
It's the time's greedy scythe!
Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii
O, doamna a tacerii,
O, vas al intristarii
Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind
cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala
Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind
Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare
Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare
My ruined world's denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions... Immortality: be now mine!
My ruined dreams - remains of tortured years
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?
Words of sorrow... sail,
Travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility... fail,
Dancing on my wounded lips
I'm dying mostly alone within life's thin disguise
And I can't tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized
The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost its brilliance
My words become so trivial...
Loosing all desire, loosing all, but pride.
..Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp ...
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala
"Te vad, Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei"
..Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna:
"Dispari cit mai curind!"
..Caci visu-mi mu-i un dis pamintesc!
My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul's already tired of search
My ruined dreams - Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
For whom? But who's to know?
(no lyrics available)