Aeturnus : From Blackest Darkness

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Animalistic rage inside
By no rules will abide
No fear of God or man I hide
Anger fills the shredding mind
Lucid thought is left behind
Thoughts to kill is all I find

Don't be fooled into thinking
You're exempt from the undertaking
I kill to live
I live to kill

Can't restrain the voices urge
Causing death of human scourge
Gouged and full now to purge
Innocent blood is spilled
Sickening hunger is fulfilled
Lust for human bodies killed

Don't be fooled into thinking
You're exempt from the undertaking
I kill to live
I live to kill

I will sow my bloody harvest
I will reap when life is darkest
I will push my twisted will
I will kill and kill and kill

Bestiality abounds
No remorse or guilt is found
I see no judgement coming down
A lamb for the slaughter
A sacrifice offered
Atonement for nothing?

Don't be fooled into thinking
You're exempt from the undertaking
I kill to live
I live to kill


Like everything that has walked or crawled
Death took me by surprise, smashed my face against the wall
Judgement came down like a hammer on my head
My next stop was the pit to join the eternal dead
I burn in hell
And satan scourn me
Won't someone kill me
Somethings wrong in here
My blood is being spilled
The killer has become the killed
Nothing can be done to escape
This terrible darkness
Seperation from God
I don't think I like this
Always yearning
Ever burning
Here in hell
No relief
Unending grief
Rancid sulfur smell
Souls of those
I killed them
Sounding death's knell
Demon teeth lash out at me
I scream out in agony
No one hears my soul's blood cry
Over and over I die
I can't take this horrid torture
I won't wake unending nightmare


Deception in the land of the free
Destruction of what is and what shall be
Forgotten principles of long ago
What happened?
We do not know
Try to believe words spoken to me
Of freedom and democracy
But eyes of truth can plainly see
Revealed is their hypocrisy
From birth I've been lied to
Truth is denied you
Hell we are put through
One nation under God
Liberty, justice, what a fraud
From birth I've been lied to
Truth is denied you
Hell we are put through
Truth is lost
Pay the cost
Greed giving birth to sin
A cancer eating them from within
Lives wasted in denial
Of truths they cannot reconcile
Planning their exoneration
Carrying out your exploitation
Total spiritual deportation
Only God can save this nation
Dissention, rebellion, anarchy
The government in ruins and they cannot see
What will become of their precious spoils
No more will they live off the working man's toils


(No lyrics avalable)


My head is beat against a rock
My back is broken to break your fall
Decieved by the fallen man
Ensnared in the horrid plan
Bludgeoned with an iron hand
He will kill me if he can
I cannot survive this pain
He will not control this brain

A hostage of sin I cannot let you in
For what's inside of me is to horrid to see
A hostage of sin I cannot let you in
For what's inside of me is to horrid to see

Insult turns to injury
Beyond words it tortures me
Tearing at my sanity
Destroying all my will to be
Falling in on top of me
Love is gone I cannot see
No more will I live in fear of you
I cannot I will not let you get control of me
You bite my heel but I'll crush your head
I cannot I will not let you get control of me
Too long have I lived in terror
I cannot I will not let you get control of me
My broken insides have come out
I cannot I will not let you get control of me
I cannot I will not let you get control of me
I cannot I will not let you get control of me

You can't bring me down
It seems as if I've been cursed
Someday the situation will be reversed
Tied up flogged thrown away
Victory will come another day
Revenge isn't mine to take
I will bend but will not break


Lifeless corpse
Bag of blood
Carrion flesh
Feeling death
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
In the end die I must
All that I am all that I was all i will see all I will be
All that I am all that I was all i will see all I will be
All that I'll ever be
Death closes in on me
No future I'm history
All that I was or ever be
Gone for all eternity
Absent warmth
Missing soul
Lacking breath
Black lonliness
Dark emptiness
So cold is death
No escape from death
No escape from death
No escape from death
No escape from death
Void being
Worthless wealth
Life is past
Precious health
Forever is death
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
In the end die you must


Planets destruction around the bend
Time for the whole world to end
Off to the last battle call
Men war in blood that's six feet tall
Armageddon is the site
For God to have his final fight
Nations armies deal out death
Soldiers take their dying breath
Drawing up battle lines
It's time for the death of all mankind

Death raining from the sky
Cursing God men surely die
Unwilling to repent
Another plague from God is sent
Gnawing tongues in agony
Nighttime falls on humanity
Facing God's fury and wrath
Satan take a fiery bath
Thrown into the lake of fire
He burns forever the eternal liar


Don't try to look inside of me
There's nothing in there you'll want to see
Hideous things that dwell inside
A dark and broken heart that's died
My mind is just a breeding ground
For evil thoughts that bring me down
Black and worm-infested hole
Rotten decaying morbid soul
It's ugly
What's inside of me
It's ugly
You asked to step inside
To view what I try to hide
A tumor growing in my heart
Tearing all my soul apart
Infested with this horrible disease
With an appetite impossible to please
Growing full on malignancy
Horrible faceless atrocity
Eat my insides
Killing me my will subsides
Greed, pride, lust fed
Come soon to make me dead
Dirt now covers me
Result of my stupidity
Six feet down I lie
In the end we all shall die

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