Aeternum (CH) : Dreamy Silken Moontew

Death Metal / Switzerland
(1999 - Paranoia Syndrome Records)
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After a night in evil nightmares
And sweat pouring from all your pores
The bad aftertaste of the horrors is enough
To fill your mouth with a coppery smell

Unlucky you-comeback to reality
As dawn comes-the truth is revealed

Awake-drenched in blood
Awake-covered with gore

Your hands are groping in the bloody mess
Your sleeping partner has become through the night
You know you're guilty but how you don't
The darkness in your mind devoured it all

Despise yourself-how could it happen?
In her blood-vomit your brains out

But there's no turning back the time
But there's no turning back the crime

Awake-drenched in blood
Awake-covered with gore


The night lies in perfect stillness
As you walk the dark avenue
Edged by the twitching trees
The wind whistling in the branches
The sky-cold and clear

At a sudden attack of dazzling light
You cringe and shudder in pain and fear
As the remembrance gets back in your mind with a shock
You fall down on your knees to praise
Again the strangers from the stars
That come now to get you back

The memory of those aliens,so horrible experiments
Their ballon-shaped heads,their dark insectous eyes
The things you do not allow yourself to speak out
The fear back there in your heart,buried in darkness
Since you were a child

You awake again,lying on an operation table
There they're once again,the doctors working on you
The drugs are playing their ennerving tricks on you
Like it was back there in your childhood
You try to flee from your nightmares
But you only scream...and scream...and scream...
...Your silent screams


Im samtenen schutz der nacht
Ein madchen von wundersamer pracht
Und ein schatten,leiss und gewandt
Vom holden anblick alsbald gebannt
Das madchen flugs entfuhrt
Ihre schonheit hat ihn stark beruhrt

Zeit fur den ersten kuss
Auf ihren roten mund
Wie aus rosen ein fluss
Tut dies seine liebe kund

Schlafend liegt sie in einem dunklen raum
Er betrachtet sie,dies wesen aus dem traum
Die fruchte des wartens,es hat sich gelohnt
Und wo die liebe in ewigkeit thront
Verspricht er ihr:dorthin gehen wir!

Liebe,blut und tod

Sein herz schreit nach ewigkeit
Seine liebe erfullt raum und zeit
Langsam nahert sich sein mund ihrer kehle
Er tastet nach den tiefen ihrer seele

Ein tropfen blut-erkaltende glut

Ihr verwelkender korper,einst in bluhender fulle
Verzehrt von seinem hunger,nun blosse hulle
Der allerletzte tropfen blut ist vergossen
Bis zur bitteren neige,dennoch in volle genossen
Sie ist verschieden,er weint trock'ne tranen
Die gedanken an sie in dunkler nacht verweh'n
Nun,in feuchter grabeserde ruhend wie erstarrt
Ein makabres wesen erneut seines gluckes harrt


A herd of shapes in the dark of a cloudy dusk
Pressing against each other in fear
As thunder fills the atmosphere

An old man,seperated fron the crowd
Murmuring unintelligable syllabes

Evoke the fire

And in the distant darkness
Lightning is blowing up the firmament
Sheep that they all are,the fear in their hearts
Shows in their widened eyes
And the old man,shaking in terror
Calls out in despair
To his silent...gods!

Evoke the fire
Evoke the burning fire

5. IN FADING LIGHT (bonus track only in LP version)

You're glancing at the fading light
Of the slowly vanishing sun
Sunken in memories of a fallen day
Repressed sorrows come back anew

In fading light

A gloom of mind fiulls you up
To an extent you cannot stand
Fears comes creeping through your veins
Exploding in your heart to tear you down
Into the blackest pit

You're glancing at the fading light
Of the slowly vanishing sun
Sunken in memories of a fallen day
Repressed sorrows come back anew

In the fading light of day
In fading light


Twilight crawls into place as dusk sets in
The shadows grow longer around the old manor
Strong edges carve its appearance against the sinking sun
As the sounds inside start-the damned choirs

Worshippers of the beast-souls sacrified to-satan
Servants of the darkside-lust for power and sex
Intents in the truth of evil-trying to raise their master

Blurred features hustling in the damp darkness
That dominates the depths beneath the house
A sinister summoning takes place in the scanty light
Spread by solitary torches in the wide cellars

The master of the ceremony stands naked,chanting
His body smeared with slowly cooling sticky blood
His hands cutting through the smoke in the air
As motion comes into the spots beyond the light

Their master arrives!-satan,lord of darkness!

Fear jumps the ceremony leader at blank range
The stench of the unholy fills the underground
As the beast's followers scream in agony
Spitting blood by biting their tongues
Squeezing out their eyes,causing little crimson geysirs

As they fall prey to their own insane wishes


Loneliness reaches down through your whole being
Filling your heart with pure emptiness

Standing at the edge only few inches away
Of the gaping abyss you stare into its depths
Feeling the suction,the beseeching urge
That wants to draw you into the maelstorm

You lose your senses of lifeforce
Meaningless,it all becomes meaningless
Only an empty vastness of spirit remains
As you take the final step

The tears and sorrow you leave behind

The burning of tears in their eyes
As you loved ones stand at your burial's side
And your cold body is sunk in the damp earth
Forever closed out of this world

All the thing you can never watch
Like the sunshine caressing the grass
On the place where forever your remnants rest


Feeling the silky pearls
Of the moon-reflected light
Caressing his bare skin
Something deep inside him
Becomes awake again

A rather animal instinct
Driving his senses to madness
As he smells the stench of fear in
The creatures all around him
Now he's lusting for their blood,
To run free,warm and red

He tears his clothes from his body
The beast in him got unleashed
For he's out again to hunt-for flesh

In the moonlight so perfect pale
As is his bare skin
He smears it with blood and excrements
To give it a darker touch

Infected by moonlight

We hear of the poor fates
Of people sick in mind
This is why we fear
And abhor their lives
So easily it could
Happen to ourselves
Insanity catching us
On insolid ground

Infected by moonlight

Somewhere out there they reside
Sisters and brothers of the moonlight spawn
Just one step beyond the edge
Shadows of a long forgotten past
Still slumbering in our genes
The moonlight spawn


Dunkle wolken am sommerhimmel
Der tod naht auf donnernden hufen
Die reiter der apokalypse
Erscheinen am flammenden horizont

Dunkelheit schiebt sich uber das weite land
Scatten aus dem jenseits,uberbringer der angst
Chaos frisst sich durch,metamorphiert zum
Terror fuhrt das regime,der tod agiert als furst

Das ende ist nah,der tarf brennt!
Horet die stimmen der engel-sie fleh'n
Ihre tranen,bitteres suss und glanzendes rot
Der torf brennt-es naht der menschheit tod

Die posaunen der gottlichkeit,schon verstummt
Ungehort verhallt ihr klang in den ohren
Der unglaubigen,die wandeln in totenhemden
Starrer blick,geifernder mund
Vernehmet die wahrheit
Die weisen tun sie kund
Zum letzten geleit

Das ende ist nah,der torf brennt!
Horet die stimmen der engel-sie fleh'n
Ihre tranen,bitteres suss und glanzendes rot
Der torf brennt-es naht der menschheit tod

Der torf brennt-so lasset sie geh'n
Der torf brennt-in den gewahlten tod



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