Aegaeon : Exponential Transcendence

Deathcore / USA
(2009 - Self-Produced)
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A failing race desperately activating a project with unknown results,
the inception of a destructive master-creature,
Diseased minds of a corrupt civilization poisoned by fear,
Radical measures are taken for salvation,
What once were of the greatest minds,
became the architects,
cataclysm of an unfamiliar specimen combined with synthetic elements,
This creation, is abomination,
Their hunger is multiplying, and life is depleting,
This is the end,
complete decimation,
cessation is commencing,
The slate is wiped clean, a total abomination,
Of every living organism...


World I am overtaken by greed,
unknowingly awaits their destruction,
I am the destroyer; I am their savior,
We are all the same; avarice controls their minds, so easily susceptible,
Destruction fuels our minds as they destroy themselves,
There is no evil in this, just selection,
They must fear us, for survival is at stake,
As we approach another race we realize the pattern is endless,
Self-destruction fuels the universe,
This will change when all order has taken place,
With all things obliterated a new chapter will begin,
An extreme circumstance has triggered an irreversible pattern of events,
A world thats overtaken by greed unknowingly awaits their destruction,
I am the destroyer, I am their savior.


(No lyrics available)


The earth, existence is terminated prayers are not heard,....
Shaking, hands are reaching up into the blackened sky,....
Minds are, lost and searching endlessly for a place to ....
Torture until there is no sanity left on this mother fucking planet....
Infectious- your mind is slowly turning,....
Disease- is spreading everywhere....
Decomposition begins to set in, ....
The feast now begins with the kings devourment,....
From the dark and the desolate....
The most vile breed....
For the fallen dreams must fall, the last images we will ever see....
Your narrow mind doomed your soul, your total being....
Feeding to admonish, thirsting for blood....
For blood....
The earth, existence is terminated prayers are not heard,....
Shaking, hands are reaching up into the blackened sky,....
Minds are, lost and searching endlessly for a place to ....
Torture until there is no sanity left on this mother fucking planet....
Nothing can stop it now....
Ripped from the body....
The most vile breed....


When they are finally dying, ....
All other sentient beings are dying with them,....
A burning sense of the fragility of each being,....
But the realization will come too late,....
They are more afraid of life than death,....
But they will only reach a resolution in their minds,....
Making their dying thoughts of this resolution....
A new age will begin....
They will all meet their destroyer, they wont meet their creator,....
It is time to feed upon the living....
Now its time to feed upon them ....
They may call this the end, but it is only the beginning....
A deep, clear, understanding for all beings will emerge, ....
A new age is beginning....
Exponential transcendence is near,....
And now the end is here....



Lyrics geaddet von Neopagan - Bearbeite die Lyrics