Acid Blade : Power Dive

Heavy Metal / Germany
(2022 - Jawbreaker Records)
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Though my legs are moving constantly
I'm still rooted to the soil
I keep a cool head but beneath my neck
My blood begins to boil
The kids in town they saw me running
Now they call me a machine
It's said I'm faster than an engine
Pull my breaks and you'll hear me scream

I carry the devil on my back
And I break into a gallop
Far off the beaten track
With all speed I couldn't stop
Once you started to sweat bullets
There is no point of return
The meaning of an open flame's destructive life
Is just to burn

Need room to breathe
Begin to seethe
And I stomp with my feet
Need room to breathe
Begin to seethe
Hot bloods on the loose
Hot bloods on the loose

I really don't want to live
A dry life of compromises
It makes no difference what you do
Just make way for the speed device
And if you don't it's all the same to me
Cause you're the one who'll come to harm
See me coming
Cup your hands around your mouth and scream alarm


What happened to us that our shoulders went apart?
How could our stronghold collapse just like a house of cards?
Let’s mount again the barricades and dash all enemies to Hades
In unity we stand upright, ablaze with light

I recall telling myself back in the days
That with you I really want to share my ways
But yet we parted company. Have you still memories of me?
I very well remember you
We have, it’s true, advanced in years
Oh, but that doesn’t mean a thing
The spirit is unaging

Ablaze with light, by fire and by sword
Ablaze at midnight
Return to mind
On the stroke of midnight


It was just a light in space that passed the I.S.S.
Heading for the human race, weighing tons though bodiless
It wandered from the path, a lantern of the dead
Blazing a trail on the dark land surface from overhead

Fear ascended to the throne
Evil lord and master
The whole wide world we once called our own
It was struck with disaster

The moonchild was the only one who dashed to the impact site
Burnt by the sun she can only unleash herself at night
How dare she be so careless? What a mistake
With every step towards the light she put all our lives at stake

Darkness proved to only pretend
That in space we’re alone
It was all in our hands
The stellar wind had it blown

In overdrive it has arrived
Extraterrestrial life
A slash of light cut through the night

Power dive
Power dive
Power dive
Power dive

All escape attempts have failed
Couldn't fight the spell of light

It baffles all descriptions what she felt out there
For a moment a soaring dream, in the next breath it came a nightmare
But what was always present was that guiding light
The first sunshine that didn't hurt her, just so lovely warm and white

Bliss and mourning came as one
Together with all kinds of feelings
As the ghost light and the girl
Went into their symbiosis


A world-wide endangerment
Has just lift off to the black
And so angry sky
In the belief to ward off an attack

Everything that is unknown
Will remain misunderstood
When fear in our heart and soul
Let the pure hate take control

The heaven's burning
While the earth is turning red

The night sky glow is covered up
By the swarms of fighter jets
Chasing the will o' wisp
Far above up staring heads

And the laser cannons cry
Generating flaming dust
That reflects the burning beams
To let the birds of metal bust

A storm of missiles
Like a rolling thunder, dire
Ignis fatuus
Trouble's after you and
They are blazing fast
To get a hold of you

Ghost light, how you wander about
To find out
What it's like
To be fleshly

You shall weep
In your dream
The moonchild's
Silent scream

Take me with you, idle glance
Into new dimensions where
The bright light and the flesh
Give me an answer to my prayer

You're the one they're after now
And they won't settle for less
But the ones who want to get you
Have to kill or lock up me too


Oh, child born in December
The youngest out of twelve
A warlike family member
Eager after faith

You always looked death in the face
And death stared in yours
Forced to kill the king one day
A plan made over the years

The back turned to all people
Words no one understands
When the mass is read, in the steeple
He’ll fall into your hands

The moment he’ll let down his guard
Time for you to attack
Rip his imperial portrait apart
Let the fire feed his flag

You are the one (King Killer)
To clear the throne (King Killer)
To take the crown (King Killer)
And put it on the people’s head
King Killer!

You’ve put teeth into the law
The terror had to stop
Some consider it to be a fatal flaw
But all came running up

Oh, what a horrific sight
Countless stabs and cuts
Did you boil with rage for the people’s rights
Or just hate your eldest brother’s guts?

You are the one (King Killer)
Who cleared the throne (King Killer)
Who took the crown (King Killer)
And put it on the people’s head
King Killer!

Down in history, King Killer!


I knew that you would come
I knew it all along
The heavy swell, breath of gale
You’re under my spell

(tomb raider)
Water can’t kill me
I cough it out to spit fire
Finally, I’ll get my hands on you, yeah!

Your traps won’t bar me from concluding my haul
Snakebite and falling rock, is that all?
I can’t be stopped!

A likely story
But you’ll be sorry
You came so far
‘Cause I want to watch you suffer

(tomb raider)
It’s a sham
I disbelieve the ban
Forever you are mummified

I’m alive!
And you are dead!
I’m alive!

Still you haven’t passed
All spells I cast
Beyond a shadow of all doubt
You’ll fall at the last
Now you’re here
But can you cheat death?
At the slightest touch I will take your breath

It’s not a sham
I’m the damned
Forevermore I rise

I’m alive!
And you are dead!
I’m alive!

Thousands of long years
I had to sleep
Under this giant rock
But finally, I can’t be stopped!


Again and yet again
The crows wheel in the sky
They scent it from afar
The smell of those who'll die

It is a fight for air
I'm desperate for a win
Victims will fall to freedom
Though it is a sin

The pure in heart, they are the blessed
But there is no light
Tears mine apart right in my chest
Oh, moonless night

The whole entire infantry
For life and death
It's bloody chaos there
No time to catch my breath

From a safe distance
Birds of war blow it all to kingdom come
The children vainly try
To come upon the mirror of the sun

The pure in heart, they are the blessed
But there is no light
Tears mine apart right in my chest
Oh, moonless night

How shall I march up through the arch
Down to the square?
When I come off victorious
From this warfare

The pure in heart, they are the blessed
But there is no light
Tears mine apart right in my chest
Oh, moonless night

Can't look myself up
In the book of history with pride
As cloudy haze creeps up the graves
Of those who died

Moonless night
Moonless night


To pay for my wrongs
I'm sent to the block
Take up my cross
Onto the slab of rock

Griffin, I ask
You to spread your wings of glass
Silhouette against the heavens
Where I can breathe my last

Call for relief. Cry from on high
For the priest. Cannot deny
My deeds, nor will I try
My life's a debt to your homicide

I would rather be an honest sinner
Than a lying hypocrite
Take my soul, oh silver shimmer
Harpy on the wing

Yes, I did strike a blow
As always, that's love-hate
But I really didn't know
I was about to kill my mate

What the hell have I done?
Why couldn't I've been wise?
With this guilt I can't live on
Not on earth nor in the skies

Call for relief. Cry from on high
For the priest. Cannot deny
My deeds, nor will I try
My life's a debt to your homicide

I would rather be an honest sinner
Than a lying hypocrite
Take my soul, oh silver shimmer
Harpy on the wing

Don't look at me like that
Countenance awash
So far and no further
You will feel my wrath
I batter you the way I do
The hard and bitter truth
Unlike my best friend's soul
My face reflects when the water's smooth
Unlike my best friend's soul
My face reflects when the water's smooth
Oh, what a disgraceful life
Of violence I have lived
Your dead right image of mine
It's time to set myself adrift

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