Abyss (PL) : About Hate

Melodic Death / Poland
(1998 - Self-Released)
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Your dagger hit me once again
I'd been looking for her, but I found you
I was helpless In that day
I thought about something different
Someone pricked me once again
But it wasn't you
Someone's arrow sticks in my heart
But It isn’t a good sign
A moment of inattention
And I am yours forever
A moment of oblivion
And I can't see exception you
My eyes matters nothing
My ears, there already aren't them
My heart doesn't beat no more
My soul doesn't exist
I want, but I can't
To tear myself free from your clutches
You are too strong for me
My life belongs to you
Why? why? why am I weak?
Why? why? why am I scared?


The dusk has fallen, open your beautiful eyes
Your moon won't rise that night
Free yourself, heal yourself, save yourself
Who is your creator, who Is your lord?
You was said that he was God the one and only
Don't let those liars deceive you
Be guided by voice of your thoughts and heart
they will lead you to the truth
Crush the rocks standing on your way
Break the chains binding your hands
Don't believe them, they always lie
they want you to be their servant and slave
Your species was an error, a tragic mistake
Don't let them tread you to the soil
You have to know that they look down
And they show you the path
which you will step to the very end
They will stand by your side
The time of their reign has come
They are the only ones
They are the choice
They have started all that things
And they have to finish It


The sun was set
Wake up to new life
The moon is shining of red
Let your minds fly away
Let them meet in another life
In a dream you take away your soul
In a dream die your conscience
In a dream you're a queen
And you only hear whisper of wind
Let your dreams fly away
Let them disappear in the dark
You create reality which isn't exist
You collect bloody memories
The darkness is find you
In the dark you disappear
The madness Is straighten you up
In a dream you killed the soul
In a dream disappeared the conscience
In a dream you became slave
And you only hear scream of pain
The sun was set, close your eyes
The moon went out In red night


Nawiedził mnie czarny sen
Poczułem go ciałem
Spaliłem biblie I krzyż
Sutannę ubrałem
Odkryłem prawdę jego słów
Poczułem śmierci sens
Wieczysta siła pochłania mnie
Ludzkości nadejdzie kres
Nawiedzać czas, mordować czas
Czuje ze widzę
Miliony lat, setki lat
On jest królem mym
Jestem już taki jak on
Cierpienie rozrzucam


The demon possessed your soul
The demon possessed your body
That’s only for fun
But you proved too weak
And he took it away from you for ever
You can struggle and scream
It won't help you anyway
Because you are a weak creature
Creature without soul
But for reason of your helplessness
Full of hatred
Of yourself and all the world
Your place Is a cave
A cave full of hatred
There are all people like you
But you can't surrender
I know, that you won't surrender
And you will fight for that
Which belongs to you
Fight and never surrender
You can't lose, you have to win,
Because it isn't ordinary fight
It is fight for your soul
Eternity and survival
You have to fight


They call your name
Still, what for?
They eat your soul
Why still is it like this?
Illusion of freedom
The dreams are lost
All that is like
Waves of ocean floating
Over the reality
Bleeding, you indulge yourself
Don't knowing
That it have to be like this
They will come and lure you
By instinct of their freedom

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