Absurd Minds : The Focus

Industrial Electro / Germany
(2003 - Dark Dimensions)
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(waking) here I am.
(sleeping) here I am.
(dreaming) here I am.
(waking, sleeping, dreaming) here I am.
Always I was here. Now i speak to you.
Just have no fear.
You don't know how much you miss
By not knowing yourself.
Do you run the risk?
Here is the self, that speaks to you and will never fade away.
Here I am. Here I am.

They are the three states
(waking, sleeping, dreaming)
In which the one`s aware.
The common fact I am,
This feeling's always there.
The world is like a sheet of paper
On which something's typed.
The meaning and the reading
Will vary with the reader.

All is the self, all is myself.
All is you and yours. There's nobody else.
I am one and appear as many.


There`s only the source, dark in itself, making everything shine.
When all names and forms have been given up the real is with you.
Break the bonds of memory and self-identification
And the shell will break by itself.
All you need is you.
It was the same ten thousand years ago,
And will be the same ten thousand years hence.
Man does not change over the ages.
Problems remain the same.

There is no need of a way out!
Don't you see that a way out
Is also part of the dream?
All you have to do is see
The dream is a dream.
Then you`ll get what you call reality.

Having never left the house
You are asking for the way home.
Confused for you are asleep.


A little flicker of my eyelids,
Closed so long, has not yet been sufficient
To give me confidence in myself.
Where is the power, where is the force,
That wakes me up?
I realize I have to walk this way alone.
No one will stand by me.

Now or never - you have to go,
Tomorrow`s out of reach!

A stride through time into eternity -
It gives you the real world.
So give up all and you gain all.
Prepare you now for the undoing
Of what never was.

It`s like a sunbeam, that fears and hates the sun.
I`ts like a wave, that fears the ocean.
It`s like a grain of sand, that fears the desert.
But they are unaware and they don`t care.

A little flicker of your eyelids,
Closed so long, has not yet been sufficient
To give you confidence in yourself.
Here is the power, Here is the force,
That wakes you up.
I tell you you don`t have to walk this way alone.
I stand by you.


There`s a time you shouldn`t try to retain the toys of children.
Put them all away, cause you have need of them no more.
You made up this dream in which your toys are real.
You don`t recognize their wishes are your own.
Yet everything the toys appear to do is in your mind, everything they do.

It`s time for the next level.
Childhood should be passed forever.

Did the doors open. Did you go through them or did you close them,
Cause you were afraid of who you might be or afraid of what you would lose?
Just cut the ties or live the lies. It`s safe to say
The doors are open, now go through them.
Don`t close them, don`t be afraid.
Stop defining yourself as a fool.
Leave it behind and make room for the next dream.

Are you a child? Do you pretend to rule the world?
Do you give your toys the power to move about and talk and think?


What you see is nothing but yourself.
Through the film of destiny
A light depicts pictures on the screen.
It`s self-selected, self-imposed.
All happens in consciousness.
When you look at anything
It`s the ultimate you see.
- the ultimate -
You think you see a stone, a cloud or a tree.

Hungry, thirsty, longing,
Searching and seizing,
Holding, losing and suffering.
All your going and coming,
Seeking pleasure, loving and hating
All this shows you don`t know the source.

You were not born, they told you a lie.
It`s just an idea that was born and shall die.
The cognition hurts me, they told me a lie.
It`s just an idea that was born and shall die.

On realization, you feel complete,
Free from the pleasure-pain complex.
Pain and pleasure go together.
Freedom from one is freedom from both.


How can I reach it? Cognition.
When I will obtain it?
Now tell me how can I realize me on this plane!
How can I fulfill myself? I`m still waiting a long time.
I wanna know, I wanna live to see.
How can I reach it, how can I realize me?
Like every night I go to bed and dream a dream,
The greatest dream there is.
I`m lying here but I`m there.
I`m diving into the scene.
I feel the might inside of me,
It feels so real and now I understand.
Now I`m in the focus of my dream.
I`m in the focus of the scene.
Now I`m the Master of my dream.

A godlike act I create creation.
I experience it, then I disintegrate it.
I`m the viewer, the one who creates creation
To experience it and then disintegrate it.

I throw it away my ignorance, my stubborness, my limitation, my conceit.
I throw it into the fire and I burn it up, so I can feel the heat.
I do wonders, I can fly, I reach the deepest point, then I touch the sky.
I do wonders, now I can see, cause I reach it, cause I realize me.


Unwahr ist, was nicht meinem Wahren entspricht.
Unwahr nenn ich alles, was das Wahre verbirgt
Und unwirklich, begrenzt oder einengend ist,
Was Täuschung und Wahn, was vergänglich ist.
Unwahr ist Begrenzung durch Zeit und Raum.
Unwahr die Tränen in meinem Traum.
Was unwahr ist, das BIN ICH nicht.
Denn ICH BIN das Wahre, denn ICH BIN das Ich.

[ So bist du also wieder einmal hier. Und dennoch hälst du an deinem Unglauben fest.
Es ist der eine, starre, unveränderbare Glaube der Welt,
Dass alle Dinge in ihr geboren werden, nur um wieder zu sterben.
Und doch ist dieses Leben ein Spiel,
Aber du bist zu den Glauben gekommen, dass es die einzige Wirklichkeit ist.
Die einzige Wirklichkeit jedoch, die es gab und je geben wird ist das Leben.
Meißel nun in alle Grabsteine Hier ruht niemand. ]

(... Herzlos.)
Das verstehst du nicht, denn du bist mein Traum, der zu mir spricht.
(Du bist herzlos.)
Was willst du von mir? Denkst du immer noch ich bin außerhalb von dir?

[ Das freie Denken kann nicht durch irgendwelche Grenzen gebunden werden.
Die wahre Bewegung, die allen zugrunde liegt, ist die Bewegung des Denkens.
Und die Wahrheit selbst ist Bewegung und kann niemals zum Stillstand,
Zum aufhören des Suchens führen.
Deshalb liegt der wahre und wirkliche Fortschritt des Denkens
Nur im umfassendsten Streben nach Erkenntnis,
Die überhaupt nicht die Möglichkeit des Stillstands
In irgendwelchen Formen der Erkenntnis anerkennt.
Meißel nun in alle Grabsteine Hier ruht niemand. ]

(... Herzlos.)


One emotion.
(nie geboren, nur geträumt)
Grows up inside of you.
(Du bist meine Projektion)
What do you think, what do you feel?
Are you virtual or are you real?
What you think and what you do is a version,
That isn`t true.
A smile will come to lighten up your sleeping face.
So let the night be peaceful.

I`m the real one, i`m the master
And i observe what you do.
You and me are one in truth.
I just see you as my projection.
You need another understanding,
Come to me, then you will see.

So seek not to change the world,
But choose to change your mind about the world.
The blind become accustomed to their world
By their adjustments to it.
And so it is with you, although you aren`t blind.
The things you see are what you gave them, nothing more, nothing less.
The perception selects and makes the universe you see.
You give the orders, it makes the universe you see.


There`s the way, yet you sit tight.
You will not know what I`ll describe
A state of mind, you are in,
Called ignorance, the mother of sin.

Your inner demon makes you blind.
Self-satisfaction blocks your mind.
How many times you droped a brick,
But you don`t care a pap for it.

… and no one has done anything to you.

Full of fret, full of hate -
The things you say, the things you do.
A lot of pride circulates.
Your little demon talks to you.

… and no one has done anything to you.

How can I tell you, that I hate you. -
You`re hating yourself.
How can I tell you, that I like you. -
You need no one.
Here is my helping hand.
Don`t turn down, I offer it just once!


Vultures are constantly circling,
Awaiting the eventual fall.- My last fall.
The hot sun shows no mercy and takes my strength away.
It takes my strength away.
I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the blazing sun.
I`m looking out for my destination, I`ve almost forgotten.
I fall face-first into the sand.
I wake up a couple hours later.
I decide to continue onward.

One try, two tries -
Finally I reached this place,
I searched for long. I suffered and I survived.
Sleepiness arose inside. I felt a great relief.
One try, two tries -
My search was my belief.

Thank you God for allowing me to reach this beautiful place.
This is nirvana. I exhaled.
Thank you God for allowing me to reach this beautiful place.
This wasteland was a stage on which a drama is being played.

No wishes, no needs anymore.
No wishes, no needs anymore.


Have you not wondered what the world is really like ;
How it would look through happy eyes?
For you it`s just a judgement on yourself. - It is not there at all.
It`s merciless and were it outside you, you should indeed be fearful.
Outside`s just the untruth. So it was you, who made it merciless. - It is not there at all.
It is not there at all - just a picture of what you think you are,
Of how you see yourself, of how you see yourself.

A simple question yet remains and needs an answer.
Do you like what you have made -a world of murder and hate ?
A simple question yet remains and needs an answer.
Do you know that you have made - a world of murder and hate ?
A simple question yet remains and needs an answer.
Now tell me why do you like what you have made.

You thread your timid way through constant dangers,
Alone and frightened, hoping that death will wait a little longer
Before it overtakes you.
Yet fear`s insanity, yet fear`s insanity.
If you change your perspective you would agree,
Cause it was you, who made it frightful. - it is not there at all.

12. BODY

It is the central figure in the dreaming of the world.
There is no dream without it.
It doesn`t exist without the dream
In which it acts as if it were a person to be seen and be believed.
Born into the world outside, it lives a little while and dies,
Losing the form, cause it`s worn.
Flesh decomposes. It won`t believe there was a time
When it knew nothing of itself.
Born into the world outside, it lives a little while and dies.

The dreaming of the world takes many forms,
Because the body seeks in many ways to prove - it is real.
The searching for the truth takes many forms,
Because the body feels in many ways this world is not real.
Find yourself. The dream has but on purpose, taught in many ways.
But the son of God remembered not to laugh.
He thinks he is the dream and not the dreamer.

Pain demonstrates it must be real.
It is a loud, sepulchral voice compelling your attention.
Its purpose is the same as pleasure, cause they both are means
To make the body real. It`s a law, that you can feel.


There is a cross. They`ve got the nails.
Since centuries they crucify him.
They placed a crown of thorns upon his head
To suffer to the end of time.
They`ve nailed him to a cross
To suffer to the end of time.
You`ve got the power to walk, but you just crawl.
You forgot the things he did, you hang him on the wall.
To God all things are possible,
To you it`s given to be like himself.
You don`t perceive it, my little sheep.
Creeping, crawling
The history repeats itself.

The sight of crucifixion still lies
Heavy on your eyes.
You cannot crucify him
God cannot die.
As long as you were a crown of thorns you live a lie.
You cannot crucify yourself
God cannot die.

He points it out to you what it means to live,
He points it out to you what it means to die.
You`ve got the power to walk, but you just crawl.
You forgot the things he did, you hang him on the wall.

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