Absurd Minds : Damn the Lie

Industrial Electro / Germany
(2001 - Dark Dimensions)
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Long ago we were a perfect being, so we fall into
Deep spheres, so called dreams. We had to find out
What it means to be the one or to be the other thing.
You are the process, we are the children.
You are the stage, we are the actors.

We are creators as well we are created ones.
We are the father, the same way we are the sons.
We are the actors, you are the stage.
Our self is what we recreate.

The way we think has created our life. We are the total
Of everything we`ve ever thought.
Let`s learn the art of dreaming.
Let`s have a nice dream and be the one
Or be the other thing.


Like a flower in the desert
The only beauty within miles
She attracts all men's attention
A perfect sweety spending smiles

And I have lost myself in her
What's left of me ain't worth to mention
All my life is missin' in action
I loved myself through her affection

There's nothing else to share
I was awake but not aware
Strategic leader of my senses
This mindwar builds the highest fences

She's my eyeball turning blind
She's a care-actress on the love-set
She's the drug that rapes my mind
She is the poison I can't hate

Septic honey on my bread
Septic thoughts spin through my head
Septic baby in my bed
Septic, bad, worse, dead
Vom Gift deiner Lenden übersäht
I only wanted love instead

I see you, I hear you, but I don't feel you nomore
I am willing to behave
Could you like me without fear
I'm prepared to be your slave
Bleibst du für immer bei mir ?

A sudden end to my desire
I simply reflect your light & fire
Still I don't shine if you don't shine
Lies burn my love - ich bin so klein

We're so close in distance
And yet so far in thought
Sin in itself does not make sense
Wo auch immer Liebe droht
She's my eyeball turning blind
She's a care-actress on the love-set
She's the drug that rapes my mind
She is the poison I can't hate

Septic honey on my bread
Septic thoughts spin through my head
Septic baby in my bed
Septic, bad, worse, dead
Vom Gift deiner Lenden übersäht
I only wanted love instead

I see you, I hear you, but I don't feel you nomore

I don't want to be nailed
To anyone's cross
If I was a winner, I wouldn't have failed
If I wasn't lovemad, I could take the loss

(Septic baby we came twice a day
Here we go - septic - down on a oneway)


Was glaubt ihr, was wird euren tod überleben?
Ist es euer körper, ist es die erinnerung?
Mag sein es ist persönlichkeit oder auch das ich,
Das in jedem molekül sich seiner selbst gewahr ist.
Alles, das was von euch bleiben wird
Ist alles was ihr seid, ist alles was ihr ward --
Eure ängste, eure sorgen und all die vorurteile.
Ihr bekommt genau woran ihr glaubt,
Bekommt nicht mehr als das.

Create in my life the wonder that you are.
This day, open my mind.
I don`t wait until tomorrow, i start to live.
Allow me to know of everything there is.

Ihr glaubt ich würde schon seit jahrtausenden schweigen.
Ihr glaubt, dass da draussen etwas sei, was niemals war.
Ich bin ihr und ihr seid ich, was euch berührt, berührt auch mich.
Erinnerst du dich nicht, nenn mich "alles was ist".
Wir waren das hier und das dort, das jetzt und dann,
Das oben und das unten in einem augenblick.
In der abwesenheit dessen, was du nicht bist,
Ist das was du bist, nicht.


Remembering the time i was a fool,
I was a victim of a virus.
The past turns to present once a year.
Now i can hear you,
I can see you. You`re so nice.
I feel the poison in my veins.
It makes my blood boil. You`re so fine.
I wanna kiss you, i wanna touch you.

I wanna touch you, my girl. The silence can be fateful.
Where is the key to your feelings, i never knew.
Wild emotions are locked in,
They can`t break out of me.
I`m paralyzed with fear. However,
Silence can be fateful.

You don`t know the question,
So i cannot get the answer.
And you don`t know my wishes,
You don`t know my hopeful dreams.
The past turns to present once a year.
Now i can hear you,
I can see you. You`re so nice. You`re so sweet.
You`re so fine.


Dry desertwinds, sand in my face, an endless journey.
I flee from falseness, i flee from lies.
I have to find my kingdom, i`d like to find my way.
I`m coming near to die of thirst,
The sun is burning, the heat hurts.
I keep trying to avoid to faint, don`t get insane.
I have to find my kingdom, i`d like to find my way.

I damn the lie, i say good bye. How many miles away
From destination. A lot of dunes,
But i hope i`ll find my way.
I say good bye, i damn the lie.
How many miles away from you.
What`s still to come, what`s still to do.

An oasis on the horizon.
Speeding up and it disappeares.
I see footsteps in the sand. I get a shock
In the no man`s land. I ran round in circles.
How many times i passed this point.
I ran round in circles.
How many times i walked this way.


We put aside the code of morals.
We`ll never learn from mistakes, we made.
Always we discover new genies in a bottle.
From consequences we dissociate.
Our greatest dream is to create.
Our greatest desire is to duplicate the world we live in,
The consciousness we have.
Very well my bites - so come alive!

It`s up to you to find away to come alive,
It`s up to you, we`re here to help you realize.
We build a world for you to fullfil ourselves.
And we will see a small piece of eternity.

We set foot on forbiddn areas.
We start off on a journey,
Even though we don`t know the destination.
We don`t care,
We wanna repeat the creation.
Still you are soulless, still you are not
The beings you wanna be. Let`s gonna play god.


Two forces-one is thought and the other is energy
That activates the thought, giving it a plural term
Called consciousness. And these two forces are
Inextricably combined. So we say thought and
Energy creates the nature of reality.

By thought an energy we create reality.
We thought it, we brought it into the light.
It came from thought I have to tell you,
We made it smell and visual,
We made it chime and feel. - now it is real.

If your life is full of doubt and fear, it`s because
Of how you think. And fear is your energy.
If your life is about expectancy and joy,
That`s because
Of how you are. And love is your energy.


A lifeforce that had the ability to create universes
Is now caught in a bodily form, feeling so weary,
Cause everything`s so dreary.
Lieing on the ground, lethargy all around.
Thrilling moments - nowhere to be found.
Feeling so weary, cause everything`s so dreary.

I need a drug that pushes me up. I´m pressed for time.
No longer i will wait, i need it now or it`s to late.
I need a solution for my craving, a solution for my lust
Of adrenalin. I wanna live, so what`s the price?

Long ago i had the ability to create universes
But now i`m caught in a bodily form, feeling so weary,
Cause everything`s so dreary.
I`m trapped in my body.
I want to break out.
I`m trapped in my body.
I wanna be free.




Pitiful emotions - an ugly aspect of yourself.
Emotions that do nothing but destroy the health.
Your changeable temper keeps the demon alive,
So the shadowy creature can survive.
Your changeable temper lets the creature survive.

Are you confused in your soul?
Do you really have a rampant rage inside?
Take a deep breath, calm down, call forth composure!
And you`ll see it`s not worth it my friend.

It makes you return to come back again.
It makes you return to redress your mistakes.
- the same people in a future stage.
What you send out returns to you.
And if they hurt you,
You know why they do.
Their changeable temper keeps the
Demon alive, so the shadowy creature can survive.
Their changeable temper lets the creature survive.

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