Abnormity (ESP) : Demo

Death Doom / Spain
(2002 - Self-Released)



I´m crying in the darkest corner
envying those who was in love
cause in their hearts sometime was the light
while in my soul I saw The Eternal Night.

Searching in my Depth
I only find Misfortune´s mute lament
and my Lonely Soul who has began
The Last Trip to peace and forgetfulness.

I´m waiting.
I´m empty.
And She´s skinless.

Tonight I dreamt that I loved her and she loved me,
and then i wasn´t afraid... But it only was a dream.
Teardrunk I try to moor to hope
but I know that I never met her. Cruel destiny.

I open my withered arms and I surrender to Her.
She´s the only one who always desired me.
Only She, skinless, know my agony.
And She comes... And I wait... So empty.


Flashbacks of you reminds me those days of ligth, when sadness was fall, and I held your hands.I'm always back to past searching you, I'm always back to past searching me.I still searching in the sky the answer to my emotional death.

Today I'll walk no more, I'll just wait to dawn.I've tried to advance But I'm at the beginning of the way.

My last thougth was your words. Why are you so far away? My last dream was your eyes. My last word, your name.

Dead echoes of hope are dancing on my head. Sleepless nigthmares defy my emotional brain.

In my final vision I suicide and next to my corpse you cry like a child. In my final vision I reach the peace and you love me in the only way.

Sadness is cold, loneliness is dark, I know you don't love me, but I don't realize. Your fear has killed me, my weakness has bury me. I wouldn't change one kiss from you for all that pain, although it carries me to the grave.

;歌词由 添加 Pylz - 修改此歌词