Abney Park : The Death of Tragedy

Gothic Electro / USA
(2005 - Self-Released)
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A heroine, A deity
On Heroin, or vanity
To jack their personality
Beyond normal humanity.

A crowd of massed humanity,
Bow and worship diligently.
He's built a loyal following
And they steer him thoroughly.

But jealous man plots from the pews,
No need for valid righteousness.
One slightly truthful word set free,
Will turn the tides quite easily.

Our accusations need not be,
What would bury mortal man.
The sins of our own deity,
are tiny, but on these we stand.

So once upon the podium,
A crucifix we then erect,
And nail our hero heartily,
hands and feet, we bind his neck.

The reasons for our worship fades,
Our Idol drenched in his own blood,
Forgotten are the virtues that we,
Valued beyond royalty.

With joy we dig his shallow grave,
Anticipating pains to come.
We watch the wriggling dance of death,
And laugh light hearted at deaths fun.

We pounded out the joyous light.
Our saviors buried now for years.
A legend now of time gone by,
A martyr of forgotten tears.


I live on the wrong side of life,
I'm the one you fear as you hold your wife.
I run were the darker crowds run.
On the rain swept streets were black rain runs.

I play were the darker kids play
I'm the one who goes out when you end your day.
I dance were the darker crowds dance,
In the pitch black clubs in a clove stained trance

I see things the darker kids see
Though you wouldn't believe all that's happened to me.
I've been to the backside of hell,
And I've played with your fear and enjoyed it well

This our time, the nights our day
We 'll dance this fading life away.


Dear Ophelia, I love you dear,
I'm sorry that I haven't been here.
Dear Ophelia, you know I'm hurt,
It's been two months since he was laid in the dirt.

Dear OPHLIA I'M Sorry that I lied,
I really do mean to make you my bride
When I get through this all, I'll treat you well,
I'm sorry I'm making your life a hell.

Dear Ophelia, your father thinks I'm mad,
If the truth be known, I'm think he'd not be glad,
If my dear Ophelia – we were to wed,
And I took you to our wedding bed.

Dear Ophelia, I know that he is dead,
But what he told me last night lays on me like lead
In orchard he lay sleeping, that's why he didn't hear
His brother crept up, and Poured poison in his ear


(No lyrics available)


I heard in the dark, soft pairings.
Under the leaves, naked shoulders.
Under the moss, skinny sides.
Don't wake from your sleep.

I know where the common man
Will judge what they don't understand.

Sacrilege, and we keep on dancing.
Heretic, whisking round and round.
Blasphemies that go round the fire.
Don't wake from your sleep.

Tossing their heads, eyes of fire.
Leaving their beds of leaves and briars.
Singing their spells to heathen gods.
Don't wake from your sleep.

I know where the common man
Will judge what they don't understand.

Sacrilege, and we keep on dancing.
Heretic, whisking round and round.
Blasphemies that go round the fire.
Don't wake from your sleep.

I heard in the dark, soft pairings.
Sacrilege, and we keep on dancing.
Under the leaves, naked shoulders.
Heretic, whisking round and round.
Under the moss, skinny sides.
Blasphemies that go round the fire.
Don't wake from your sleep.

I heard in the dark, soft pairings.
Sacrilege, and we keep on dancing.
Under the leaves, naked shoulders.
Heretic, whisking round and round.
Under the moss, skinny sides.
Blasphemies that go round the fire.
Don't wake from your sleep.


Our ancient nightmares, the ghostly legends,
And fiendish tales, all the myths are true.
Scientists have unearthed enormous skeletons
They think we've disproved that all the myths are true.

"Year after year, science finds explanations, scientific reasons behind all the legends. They think this proves history was not as myth has
shown it, but in fact it proves that all the myths were true."

The ruined remains of an ancient city
Deep underwater, all the myths are true
Scientists have unearthed enormous skeletons
They think we've disproved that all the myths are true.

"...a giant crater is all that remains of what was once the largest city..."
"...currently all the graves stand empty. Government officials estimate damage to the neighborhood at well over $200,000..."
"...the death toll is rising, scientists are scrambling to find some way to stop the massive..."
"...dozens witnessed the attack, no one saw the attacker..."
"...a fishing schooner off the shore of Iceland, wrapping its tentacles around the hull and pulling it under..."
"...found this man to be well over 200 years old. In his cellar was found dozens of jars of frozen blood, human blood..."
"...whereabouts are currently unknown. Police warn citizens to stay away from the forest..."

Deep in the forest, half-crazed witch doctors
with their herbal magics. All of it is true.
They've found traces of neurotoxins in
the zombie's bloodstream. All the myths are true.

Ancient nightmares, archaic legends,
Enigmatic dreams. All of it is true.


"You fool, I''m not trying to kill you! I'm trying to save you!"

There was a white knight riding on his steed,
Waiting for a noble deed.
Inside, a lady in distress
With blackened eyes and tears down her dress.
A villain with a wicked plan
Doing wicked things with wicked hands.
Look down, stopping dead in the road
"Mind your business" he was told.

And there were peasants, being murdered and raped
By an evil man in a big black cape.
Longing for evil plans
Where people are killed in faraway lands.
[???] for all kingdoms
Gonna need some help to get this done
Getting bare back, with his dis concern
That wouldn't cost most of what we earn.

Death of all flags,
This is the death of a man.
This is the death of humanity,
Death of tragedy.
Things are wrong,
He's long gone.
This is the death of humanity,
Death of tragedy.

There was a white knight riding on his steed,
Waiting for a noble deed.
Inside, a lady in distress
With blackened eyes and tears down her dress.
A villain with a wicked plan
Doing wicked things with wicked hands.
Look down, stopping dead in the road
"Mind your business" he was told.

Death of all flags,
This is the death of a man.
This is the death of humanity,
Death of tragedy.
Things are wrong,
He's long gone.
This is the death of humanity,
Death of tragedy.


Gentle? I think that you're mistaken.
Delicate? I went through that phase…
Tender? Want me to say I love you?
Love? I've heard it's all the rage.

[Verse 1]
I run my tongue down white marbled flesh,
In my hand leather, of harness on breast.

Reaching around, I claw at your cheeks,
I've bitten at this chest for weeks and weeks and for weeks and for weeks…

[Verse 2]
I scratch my fingernails under your mane,
Endlessly mingling the tingling with pain.

I scramble for traction; I'm grabbing your back.
Is it love that were making, or some sick attack?

Your skin is all glistening, from head to your toes,
Our legs are all shaky, and my growling grows.

My vision is dimming, I'm gasping for air,
Your biting the pillow, I'm biting your hair…


Once I was complete,
The earth, firm, under my feet,
My back was strong, my body fleet,
Now I ache allover.

I learned each virtue I was told
I worked hard to avoid the mold
But as I saw my life unfold
There was no place for me.

It was hard when I begun,
Each day harder it has become.
My only future was undone,
And nothing has replaced it.

There is nothing left to gain,
All that's left is to maintain.
Just to stand is too much strain,
But there is nothing else

I once believed in everything,
I once had faith in my ring,
Of my own world I was the king,
And now I am a beggar

I'm tired guilt, I'm tired of crying.
I'm tired of work, and finished trying.
I'm tired of living, and scared of dying.
But there is nothing else

I've been beat, I've been broken
I asked for a place, the world has spoken
I was asleep, but now that I've woken,
I preferred my dream.

It will take great strength to pull me through,
This challenge unseen, which I must do.
To make a "me" I never knew,
But I'm already spent.


I reached from darkness,
I saw the day and another way.
And led by darkness,
I found the way stretched from my [effort].
I took a step toward the light of day.
I took a step toward the light of day.

I [flipped] the darkness,
[Over bucking the phase] to the pawn of destiny.
I took in emptiness,
To serve as a cage of artificial rage.
I had uplifted more to invest in me.
I had uplifted more to invest in me.

Following the same false prophecy
Modeling impossible destinies.
I will bring my whole life's energies
Towards the path he's at for synergy.

Following the same false prophecy
Modeling impossible destinies.
I will bring my whole life's energies
Towards the path he's at for synergy.

I reached from darkness,
I saw the day and another way.
And led by darkness,
I found the way stretched from my [effort].
I took a step toward the light of day.
I took a step toward the light of day.

I [flipped] the darkness,
[Over bucking the phase] to the pawn of destiny.
I took in emptiness,
To serve as a cage of artificial rage.
I had uplifted more to invest in me.
I had uplifted more to invest in me.

Following the same false prophecy
Modeling impossible destinies.
I will bring my whole life's energies
Towards the path he's at for synergy.

Following the same false prophecy
Modeling impossible destinies.
I will bring my whole life's energies
Towards the path he's at for synergy.

Following the same false prophecy
Modeling impossible destinies.
I will bring my whole life's energies
Towards the path he's at for synergy.

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