Abhor (ITA) : Igne Natura Renovatur Integra

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Governing the nature I live
One thousand astral battles against one thousand enemies
One hundred years ago, but like now
The world belong to me, its energy belong to me
So the light like the obscurity,
In a game of equilibrium, in a law, universal.

Status iste procellis subiacet innumeris et finis ad alta levatis est ruere.
Heu tremulum magnorum culmen honorum,
Spesque hominum fallax et inanis gloria fictis ilitia blanditiis!
Heu vita incerta labori dedita perpetuo,
Semperque heu certa nec unquam sat mortis provisa dies!
Heu surtis inique natus homo in terris!
Moriturus ad astra scandere querit homo.

From the smaller temple to the great pantheon,
I'll be there until the day of doom, like man or like spirit,
My essence will be mend for to crown by the old man.
Just prize for my sacrifice,
Just merit for the accomplishment of my duty.
Otherwise only putrefy ground.






Receive the secrets of the forbidden arts.
Entwine among dreadful whispers since the dark will be your guide.

Spellbound atmosphere of fiendish calm
The hand to me joined already point out the way.

Like dust of the earth your breath will wind the bodies
And from the black throne your horns they will rise to your enemy.

King of Depth , show them your force narrate them the worst of the nightmares.
They in the dark will awaken our eyes,
Gallivanting without stop the run of the thoughts,

Where the flames unite with the mystery, and the dark doesn't meet the light ever.

Dark your seal, you raise the pentacle among the impassive glaciers you pick the boldness,
Since great will be your victory.

Spellbound atmosphere of fiendish calm

From the tenebrous empire already belches your howl of victory.


Elunh, Earth, come to me, come to me!
Amril, Fire, come to me, come to me!
Wuath, Wave, come to me, come to me!
Thlimè, Wind, come to me, come to me!

From the wind, the voices of thousand masters I feel,
Teachings fixed in megalythics altars,
The sky is now designed on the earth and the energy disposed like the cloth of a sage spider,
Funeral temples like dimensional gates.

Ars moriendi,
Tempus fugit!

Much is that the man has lost, moon and stars were his memory,
You are there, oh colossus, to the shade of a millennial yew tree
And I still don't understand the mysteries that you conceal.
Anything is eternal, but you are deathless,
Son of the raffishness, are you ready to return?

Oh spiriti del nord, delle nevi profonde e delle notti lunghe delle terre settentrionali!
Oh antenati i cui spiriti rifulgono luminosi nei cieli stellati!
Oh creature dell' oscurità vellutata, antichi maestri dell' inverno!
Rendete omaggio a questo nostro rito sacro, come noi rendiamo omaggio a voi.
Fateci sentire la vostra presenza.

Elunh, Earth, evil, evil!
Amril, Fire, evil, evil!
Wuath, Wave, evil, evil!
Thlimè, Wind, evil, evil!

De profundis clamavi…et misericordia nociva est!
Giant of stone that you possess the knowledge,
Feel my soul that floats in a limbonic learning.


Qui fert malis auxilium, post tempus dolet.
Gelu rigentem quidam colubram sustulit.
Sinuque fovit, contra se ipse misericors;
Namque ut refecta est, nequit hominem protinus.
Hanc alia cum rogaret causam facinoris, respondit:
"Ne qis discat prodesse improbis"




The fog is lowering, wrapping up the frozen wood,
While the light is choking, and the darkness' magnificence raises its dominion.

Light, cursed light, here is the shadow's mantle that awakes my nights,
Drove from the nearest voice to the brightest black moon,
Passaging unerasing border of wisdom.

The candles will turn off to the step of our black cloaks,
From the darkest soul of cursed look to we concess with the obscure gift.
Sofferent corpses wrapped like serpents' orgies, the black flame lights up my way,
My sword shows its glittering blade greasy of unpowered, purity and the waters will be turbid,

The earth opens its form, the dark skies by fade into the air,
And the fire will light up the seal of our proteiform faces with purple lips coloured.
Damned will rise the magic emblem, symbol of obscure eternal force,
Without erasely trace but swindler signs.

Here is the icy slyness, descends from the blackest abyss between a war of roses and blood, admiring our immortality beside from the black seal.
Blowing of death for you poor illuse, frighted souls from your god,
The wolf is howling to our victory, howl to you flock of free sheeps,
All was wrote, wrote in the stars, and we proceed the way between brumbles and ravens.


For you are scarlet the skies in front of this truth which I could believe only like free angel.
To you the sufferings of shrill words,
The truth suffered in a time of dark situation among distant luminaries and distant marvels.

My mind fights a battle already marked,
Already established for as aware, of my thoughts the defeat by me will come
Like blow of wind, like water of brook,
Slow and silent but with great force.

I have lit candles, tearing candles and from the weak light I confine myself in the agitation.
I haven't solution, I haven't guilt, a help I look for… And which will be my peace?

Succumb in the inside pain is the most atrocious of the torments,
Like a beast in cage for want of others… And then what do you do?

Magic, propitiatory magic, to you I entrust my destiny, to you thankful I will be
In this frozen night, in this deceptive time my learning to you will arrive at,
Among the smoke of this brazier, among the substance of this calyx,
Like endless cosciential journey.

Difficult will be my want, circuitous the way to cross,
But the fate will decide and there is not bigger truth to research if not finding it in thoughts,
in own thoughts by now disturbed, in a time by now unremembered.



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