Aberrant (IND) : Endgame

Thrash Neo / India
(2015 - Self-Released)
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We are the bastard son mother nature is trying to protect
Yet we've been gnawing on her insides even before our birth
We leave a mark of our destruction everywhere we go
We turn our city into a garbage dump
The air we breathe trails with the stench of our greed

We breed pestilence that devour the crop that we yield
We've been poisoning our waters with fecal gunk
Yet we raise banners while we idly sit and watch
As blue canvas skies fade to black
Think deep our future is in jeopardy

If we listen to the trees talking we'd know that they've been bleeding
If we listen to the rivers singing we'd know that they are suffocating
If we listen to the whispers of the wind we'd know that it's been crying

Yet we ask ourselves what humanity has come to
Oblivious of our pen hand in the crime
Can we save ourselves from our own destruction

The sun will one day burn us out
The water will one day engulf us all
Tremors that keep us awake in the night
Will open the earth to claim it's murderers

Stop your greed, you're killing us all
Who'll save us, this world is bleeding
Apathy will be our downfall
Save the future, all resources are depleting

Manifesting devastation in selfish pursuit of wealth and clout

Watch how our children are riddled with diseases
Their skin scab and fall off
They cough with blood and grime
Yet we plead for a cure from a higher power

Stop what you're doing or it's endgame
Alter our ill fate or it's endgame
Secure our future or it's endgame
Save our mother nature or it's endgame
Stop what you're doing or it's endgame
Stop what you're doing or it's endgame

Lyrics geaddet von Apophis2036 - Bearbeite die Lyrics