Abandoned Mortuary : Race of Hypocrisy

Death Grind / Hungary
(2018 - Abran Records)
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Two cells united
A new life conceived

Ready to be sacrificed
On the altar of selfishness

Life coming to an abrupt end
Brutally stopped

By priests serving around the altar
Dressed in white

A sacrifice to Moloch
Feeding the ugly demon-god
With its unquenchable hunger
Appetite for human life

Momentary pleasure
Long term consequence
Considered a burden
Too heavy to bear

Get rid of the unwanted one
No value of human life

A sacrifice to Moloch
Human lives disposed
Mercilessly terminated
Devoured by the last enemy of man

A sacrifice to Moloch
Feeding the ugly demon-god
With its unquenchable hunger
Appetite for human life


Fragile souls, big mouths
Weak minds, strong views

Spilling hatred on everyone
With a difference in opinion
All in the name of free thinking

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing’s what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of freedom
Putting others in prisons
With close walls

Giving weapons to a sworn, mortal enemy
Starting a bloody war based on false evidence

Proclaiming the gospel of Western culture
While bombing cities and destroying homes

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing’s what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of progress
Pushing mankind back
To a primal state

Raging violence
Killing innocents
Expecting earthly pleasures
As a heavenly reward

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing’s what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of the religion of peace
Waging a bloody war
Showing no mercy


A corrupted world
A wicked and adulterous generation
Misled by their arrogance
Misplacing their trust

Pride goes before destruction

Pride goes before destruction
A haughty spirit before the fall

While still growing and uncut
They wither more quickly than grass
Such is the destiny of all who forget God
So perishes the hope of the godless
What they trust in is fragile
They cling to it, but it does not hold

Knowledge puffs up while love builds up
Those who think they know something
Do not yet know
As they ought to know

While still growing and uncut
They wither more quickly than grass
Such is the destiny of all who forget God
So perishes the hope of the godless
What they trust in is fragile
They cling to it, but it does not hold


The golden calf
While the living God
Is within reach

Bowing knees before a lifeless statue
With hearts rigid and cold as stone
Turning their backs to the herald of heaven
Adoring their own creation instead

Dancing around the altar
Of the golden calf
Burning incense
For a piece of sculpture

Bowing knees before a lifeless statue
With hearts rigid and cold as stone
Turning their backs to the herald of heaven
Adoring their own creation instead

Chasing the Mammon god
Constantly competing
Carefully planting and nourishing
The root of all evil


Terrifying visions haunt the king of Babylon
An enormous tree, touching the sky
The mighty empire he built
But a messenger is coming down from heaven, saying:

‘Cut down the tree and trim off its branches
Strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit
But let its roots remain in the ground
Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven

Till seven times pass by’

The king got driven away from people
To live with the wild animals
To eat grass like the ox
Be drenched with the dew of heaven

‘Acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign
Over all kingdoms on earth and
Gives them to anyone he wishes
Renounce your sins by doing what is right

And your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed’

Praise the Most High
Praise and exalt the King of heaven
Glorify him who lives forever
His dominion is eternal
All the peoples of the earth
Are regarded as nothing
All his ways are just
He can humble all who walk in pride


The god of this age
Has blinded
The minds of

Good news is veiled
To those who are perishing
They cannot see
The light

But we have this treasure
In jars of clay
To show that the all-surpassing power
Is from God

We are hard pressed on every side
But not crushed
But not in despair

Confidence in what we hope for
Assurance about what we don’t see

We always carry around
In our body
The death of Christ
So the life may also be revealed

For we who are alive
Are being given over to death
So that his life may also
Be revealed in our mortal body

So then, death is
At work in us
But life
Is at work in you

We believe
Therefore we speak
The one who raised the Lord
Will also raise us from the dead

We have the same
Spirit of faith

We are foreigners
And strangers on earth
We are looking for
A country of our own

Therefore we don’t lose heart
Though outwardly wasting away
Inwardly we are being
Renewed day by day

For our light and momentary
Are achieving for us
An eternal glory

So we fix our eyes
Not on what is seen
But on
What is unseen

For what is seen
Is temporary
But what is unseen
Is eternal

Confidence in what we hope for
Assurance about what we don’t see


Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
A voice in the desert calling, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord
Make straight paths for him’


How can there be peace
As long as all
The idolatry and witchcraft

I have this against you
You tolerate that woman Jezebel
Who calls herself a prophetess
By her teaching she misleads my servants

She misleads my servants
Into adultery
And the eating of food
Sacrificed to idols

I have given her time to repent
But she is unwilling

I will cast her
On a bed of suffering

I am he who searches
Hearts and minds
And I will repay each of you
According to your deeds

You who don’t hold to her teaching
And haven’t learned Satan’s ‘deep secrets’
I won’t impose any other burden on you
Except to hold on to what you have until I come

I will cast her on a bed of suffering
And I will make those who sleep with her
Suffer intensely
Unless they repent of her ways

Dogs will devour Jezebel


The hand of the Lord was on me
And he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord

And set me in the middle of a valley
It was full of bones

He led me back and forth among them
And I saw a great many bones on the floor
Of the valley - bones that were very dry

He asked me, “Son of man,
Can these bones live?”

I said, “Sovereign Lord,
You alone know”

Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
“I will make breath enter you
And you will come to life

I will make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin
I will put breath in you, and you will come to life

Then you will know that I am the Lord
I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them
I will put my Spirit in you
And you will live”

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