A Ghost Named Alice : A Room for My Enemies

Progressive Power / Austria
(2021 - Self-Released)
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Into the night, someone drive me insane.
I hear scary voices, scary voices in my brain.
Shadows are reflecting in the windows.
Far away I hear how, I hear how the wind blows.

Alone in a room - demons and creatures
Alone in the dark - where the terror can control my life

I would be glad to have some explanations.
For this crazy, stupid trip.
Would be glad, someone give me informations.
A wish for the moment. I can my work skip.

Alone in a room - demons and creatures
Alone in the dark - where the terror can control my life

Out of the dark - no more time to say goodbye
Out of the dark - the story ends and my enemy's die

I would be glad to have explanations.
For this crazy deviant dream
awaiting further information's
wish for the moment this horror ends

Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody inside?
Easy come, easy go
All attempts were in vain
I am afraid, I am afraid

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