A Cloud Forest : These Mournful Days

Ambiant Black / USA
(2011 - Silence And Solitude Records)
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And I won't be afraid of death
Because I know Hell can't be worse than this
So save your prayers and save your breath
There's no heart that beats inside of this chest
Just slit these wrists and let me bleed it out
From warm to cold as words part my mouth
I never meant to let you down
With tears in my eyes you slowly remove my crown
Just sit back and watch me fade away
Because I can't last another day
With one last breath I slip away
You close my eyes and slowly turn away
And so my world fades to black
As I know you're never coming back
There's no more words left to speak
And no more tears left to weep
I hate myself for all that I've done to you
And I'm sure that you hate me too
I know this love is just far too gone
Now please leave me here to die


The fog so thick before me
It's the dawning of a dark day
I'm alone in this transforming
Inside I whisper but I don't have a say
Embedded in this flesh
The knife it twists
But I don't feel the pain
The smile of suffering across my face
I could escape but I remain
My emotions six feet under
As I'm existing just outside my skin
From where I cannot fight or struggle
My grip it loosens and my hope grows thin
I slip beneath the surface
I cannot breath and I cannot scream
A shard of hope that still pervades me
Tells me this suffering is but a dream
I am awake and I'm alive
My reality I cannot deny
Slowly accepting the pain within
For it to end it must begin
I descend into darkness
I long for the comfort of love's embrace
Long ago I knew it in a dream
But then it vanished without a trace
And now I'm left to shiver
Here in the cold I'm all alone
As I cling onto the last shred
Of the life I used to call my own
I descend into darkness


The dark puts hate before me
And I feel its waves envelop me
You are the cause; you are the trigger
You are the crux for what I've come to be
Actions speak without a sound
You planted this seed inside of me
Now it's grown and in darknes,
My soul it drowns.
This is a call to war
The dark wings of hate wrap around me
And I'll embrace this pain
And as long as you breath
This world it is diseased
You are a cancer - a plague
Erradication - it is your only fate
And someday I will see you again
And give you back every ounce of pain
That you put on to me
And I won't need four horsemen
Only these eight limbs
To destroy you any way that I see fit
Time it passes and people change
But what you've done continues to remain
For every action, a consequence
Suffer the wrath of my vengence
Time it passes and I continue to remain
For every action you will feel my pain


Beginings flourish in waves of wind and rain
Cold sinking further, tense, inside the silent echoes
Swirling in unpredictable shades
Try disguising my deepest songs while so soft a reflection
In your eye
I'm pushing forward but to what awaits the end?
And what has brought the start?
Fear conquers my ambition
Softly sigh
The rain has slowed to a gentle mist
And the stillness of night stops time
For tomorrow's dawning - forever away in my sight
Here it comes, at the same time
I realize uncertainty without regret
Catching shame in palms outstretched.
Feel it burn - I can't let go. No.
I've lost control
And the sky is streaming invisible tears to hide behind
It's time has come to express the blooming of an end
And while it does not want to go
It cannot remain


Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.

Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad

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