A Better Hope Foundation : Trading Heroes for Ghosts

Hardcore / USA
(2008 - Self-Released)
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I really do believe all the convictions that we've been living for will only prove to be the death of us. Where do we draw the line between what’s right and absurdity? Do we let our values determine who we are, or our destruction? This is going to be the death of us.


I've heard salvation is coming. So I better cross my T's and dot my I's. I'll pay no mind to the situation at hand. Just keep my eyes on the fucking prize. I feel a disconnect. My conscience is clouded with pride, and I know that shame will render useless because my skeletons are cleverly disguised.

So let’s bury our heads in the sand because the image we uphold is too fucking precious to lose in exchange for something real, in exchange for something worth dying for, I can’t live for something worth killing for.

There's only one path to glory. I'll tie a noose around my neck before I fucking stray from comfort. Stray from comfort. I'd rather die.


And you fucking call yourself the revolution? Well I bought that shit for so long, but now I've come to realize (and I can see right through your bullshit) that all that shit means nothing when you snort shit up your nose, and fucking sell out to a cause that leads in circles.
If this is what you call social progress, you're out of your fucking mind, and everything you said means nothing to me now. You speak out both sides of your mouth with such conviction.

Now I know what the fuck you're all about. I'm trading my heroes for fucking ghosts.

I wonder if you knew, the girl you coked up was only 15 years old. Where's your heart? Where's the heart I fell in love with? Where's the anger? Where's the fucking rage? You kissed it away. And for what? A fucking taste of fame. Well that shit ain’t worth a fucking thing man. I lost my faith in you. I lost my faith in everything.


This will be the last time words from your lips set fire to sinking ships. This will be the last time your bullshit weighs down hearts of desperate kids. You'll get me six feet under ground before you get me to say I'm sorry. Fuck you for leading us on. Fuck you for selling us short. Thrown to the wolves by a two-faced shepard with our blood on your hands.

Fuck excuses. Fuck the parodies. Fuck the petty dramas and tragedies co-opting all of our hopes and dreams. A revolutionized target audience. Demographic built on its violence. But your marketing can’t buy and sell me.

So where do we go from here? Anchored in shallow waters, but your mistake was leaving us breathing. As long as I'm here, I won't let you take what's mine. As long as I'm here I'll fight for a better place, free from your narrow mind.

You think that we're the same, but I'll never be like you. Your ideas are like weapons for your fucked up point of view. Too busy delivering us from evil and showing lost souls the “right” path. Your resistance is a scapegoat, drawing more lines in the sand.

This will be the last time. You built us up and dragged us down and left us all for dead.


The old man told me, "Son, always follow your heart, no matter what the cost, and I will die a happy man knowing that you always made the right choice, and that I taught you well."
I'm not so sure I've lived up to expectations, so I'm making up for lost time. Even though I broke your heart, even though I broke your heart, I hope I'm making you proud. I hope I make you proud.

Because I just don't have the heart. I just don't have the heart to grow up just yet. I know we've grown apart, because I just can't be the man you wanted me to be.

Old man, tell me it's OK. Tell me that you understand.


Now. I just want to get one thing straight. Are you going to do what it takes to make a fucking change? Let's cut the bullshit. I want to focus on what really counts. If we could just stop talking shit for five minutes, we can find some fucking common ground.

I'm sick of all the he-said-she-said bullshit, fucking tearing down our scene. Sometimes I feel like this is all we live for. This shit means everything to me. I want to break these fucking boundaries. Let's put out differences aside. For just one night in just one room, let's bring it fucking back to life.

This is the place where we all go when there's no place left to turn. This is the place where we all go when we just can't be alone. This is the place I've come for half my life, this is my home away from home. I wouldn't trade this shit for anything. All I want is just to see some fucking change.

There's no reason why you and I can't be friends. It's a cold world and I want you to let me in. I want to re-connect the values that we've lost. I promise you it's not out of reach.

Searching for the days we've lost, the days I've spent wishing that I was never born, and that someone understood me. Then I found this place, this group of kids with X'd up fists telling me that everything will be alright. Everything will be alright. I'm reaching out, come take my hand, let's fucking start right now. I want to start right now.


You'll have to excuse that I'm a little less than contrite. I've trudged through hell for the sake of cutting off my nose despite my face. Let's not dance around the obvious. If these words were like knives, I would have watched you die a thousand fucking times.

And I'll laugh when you beg for mercy. Look back at all the hatred against me, when submission fucking haunted me. Fuck the days when I felt weightless. Fuck the "better days," they were meaningless, but that won't stop me from coming back.

So what the fuck did you expect? You've always known I'm a glutton for punishment, and I'm begging for heartache. I know you love to dish it out, and smile proudly like a vulture as I grovel at your feet.

So lay me down, circle around me and carefully inspect every unhealed scar and torn out suture that you wish to infect. Open up my chest and slice my lungs just enough to keep my breath, and I promise I will keep starry eyes as you administer my death.

So what the fuck did you expect? What the fuck did you expect? You've always known I'm a glutton for punishment. Lay me down. Cut out my eyes before my heart.


This is my last request of you. Just let me walk you home. I promise I will behave. I'll only whisper I love you with my hands around your neck. If I can't have you, no one can. I swear you won't feel a thing. You never loved me anyways.

Colder nights bring harder fights. You were never worth my time. I just want to be loved; I don’t just want to fuck. I don't care if I make it out alive.


These broken hearts won't mend with bandages, (or silver linings), no poetic device. Here's to final goodbyes. Our words, they used to speak mountains. Now shattered by disparity, jealousy and pride.

I guess it's par for the course. Nothing ever stays the same. Nothing lasts forever. Please tell me there's an easier fucking way. Don't blow the last candle out. This satire is killing me. And three AM is just not the fucking same. Fuck.

Unfathomed reasoning, breaking promises. Tonight we'll meet our certain fate. Tonight, I hope I die. Will you wear my heart upon your sleeve? Tonight I hope I fucking die.


It's been too many fucking years man, and it sinks my heart like a ton of bricks to know everything had to end this way because you never fucking gave me a chance. What the fuck?

So you are feeling disconnected? Well I'm fucking tired of constant let downs and waiting for you to come around and say the two words I deserve to hear you speak.

I can't waste one more fucking day pretending you and I meant a fucking thing. I won't take back the countless times that I told you, "I love you."

Yes, I understand that people change and go their separate ways. Someday, we'll look back and laugh, but that's not going to fucking be today. Fuck yeah, I understand that I'm not like you and you're nothing like me. Well that makes no fucking difference. What am I supposed to do? What the fuck can I do? Do I turn my back and walk away just like you did?

I hope you know when you're down and out; I'll still be here for you. I hope you know when you're down and out, I'm still going to fucking be around. Things change. Things change. People change. You changed. I'm still the fucking same and I refuse to change. I refuse to fucking change. I can't let go, after all that we've been through.

I'm picking up the pieces of what used to be our lives, and I'd give anything to know what the fuck that I did wrong. I'm kicked in the teeth for friendship and punched in the throat for love. I'm taking back all the promises that you won't fucking let me keep.

I tried. I fucking tried. That's all that I can do man. I can't make you change your mind, and you can't fucking change mine.


Fuck you. I'll live a thousand years with this burden, even though this will never make a difference. After a decade of fucking up.

Who says nothing gold can stay? This legacy of rebellion is the only thing making sense to me. Desperation never felt so fucking good. Our hearts are napalm. We dance on graves of disappointment. Our hearts are napalm. Spitting in the face of normalcy. Our hearts are napalm. This world is fucking poison.

Oh no....My world is falling to pieces. I'm not everything they told me I should be. I'm just a little too fucking angry.

Our kingdom is burning, and the only thing on my mind is that the "real world" is fucked, and we are fucking drowning. I won't move on to better things. I'll keep my head afloat in this city of despair with my brothers beside me. Fuck their rules, fuck their judgments, fuck everything they stand for. Fuck their disregard; I'll be forever in defiance.

We make time stand still, and tonight we're going to raise hell. Lost boys with nothing to lose, lost souls with nothing to prove, and tonight we are going to raise hell. Our hearts are fucking napalm.


I don't care what this place looks like in the daylight. I only live to see her nights. When I get my first glimpse at her twilight, darkness conceals what night's violence invites. And the banner displayed across the entrance of my towns reads, "Get the fuck out while you still can."

When we were young we owned these dirt roads. Mommy and Dad never really understood. Now I find comfort on concrete floors. It's fucking cold as hell, but it's warm inside my heart.

The sun casts shadows over the scars on the city streets. It really shows her age. These bruises leap out like a knife in the dark. Familiar faces stagnate my nightmares. Familiar hearts remind me that I am not alone.

Scratch these words across my chest. I swore I'd never fucking make it back. This place is like a tomb. I bury myself every night, hoping the next day I won't rise.

These words are tarnished and overdone. So, Mama, I'm coming home. Please welcome me with open arms. I don't know just what made me leave in the first place. Now that I'm home, I'll never leave again.

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