10 Fold B-Low : For Those Who Share the Sun

Thrash Death / Germany
(2005 - Locomotive Records)
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Representing the virginity of a new day dawn
is like a white sheet of paper longing to be filled
with the burden of the day to come...


Take care of the seed or you'll be the audience of our own fall stop watching raise your voice or we will crawl

Somewhere boys are shooting men what for why

Now I want you to stand up to fight for a better world without guns but one thing your love for your own seed

Somewhere childhood turns to war when will it end

You're grinding me through the shore of hatred those tortured minds are innocent and sacred your going to be blown away that's all I want

We all are the fruit of the seed that we once have watch out the varmints and wipe them out

Somewhere innocent minds are fucked disgraced killed

Now I want you to stand up to fight for a better world without guns but one thing your love for your own seed

Somewhere off the beaten track small bones still rot

You're grinding me through the shore of hatred those tortured minds are innocent and sacred your going to be blown away

And all I want is all I need to get the suffering out of the seed that's all I want to get this far I'd sell my soul and all I want is all I need to get the suffering out of the seed That's all I want to get this far I'd sell my soul

I am angry

All I want is all I need to get the suffering out of the seed that's all I want to get this far I'd sell my soul and I want is all I need to get the suffering out of the seed that's all I want to get this far I'd sell my soul and all I want is all I need to get the suffering out of the seed that's all I want to get this far I'd sell my soul away

To get it out of the seed I'll make a sign on the wall out of my way I am coming for you I am the seed that I've been look what


Watch me rising up from what you've left of me yes I'm growing stronger every single day I reclaim my life to head the way that I've been heading before no time to think about revenge but I will go my way but not forget to deal with you I will remember every single shoe smashing into my face just to show me that I've done something wrong face the mirror realize that you

Care for no one else but yourself inside his own cope with your disguise no one knows you like only I do you are definitely all alone now things change somehow I am receiving love and patience

Friends are not welcome they need respect from you you just need someone to tell him what to do one day you will notice all alone that you have done something wrong sitting in a cage of aging bones no one will

Come to help you out of nothing but watching from somewhere I'll laugh

I reclaim my life to head the way that I've been heading before face the mirror realize that you

Care for no one else but yourself inside of your cell cope with your disguise no one knows you like only I do you are definitely all alone now things change somehow I am receiving love and patience

So I am I am free at last I'm free I've taken so much all these years now why have you done this to me free

One day you will notice all alone that you have done something wrong sitting in a cage of aging bones no one will come to help you out of nothing but watching from somewhere I'll laugh


By the means of sharing the sky above and walking the same ground as everyone else what do you breathe every day and every night I can tell you what now listen up it is same air we need around the world no one can claim ownership of it all and when my corpse will be a summertime feast maggots over me and inside... what do they

Breathe for those who share the sun we should have stood as one

You always grumble about the world delivering the hypocritical word shut the fuck up and move your fat ass I can't stand this shit anymore this is my

War for those who share the sun we should have stood as one and now time has come

Why don't you bury me bury me bury me bury me instead of this just kill and bury me bury me bury me bury me this world is judged cause every new decease that's running through our veins will push wrong science and every murder on the street produces hatred rage violence and

Fear for those why share the sun we should have stood as one and now the time has come we fall fall as one

We should think about who we are and what for we live on this darkened ball we live for ourselves we die for no one else what could be wrong with us

We don't think about who comes after us no one's worth as mush as ourselves never want to deal with long term problems we don't care about our destination

We fall as one for those who share the sun we should have stood as one and now the time has come we fall, fall as one we fall, fall as one


Who do think that I am what do you think you can do to me I am the monster you fear I lead the legions you

Hear from down below those voices raping your dreams I am the one who tries to make them carry on carry on

I'm always right behind you watching a man with no regrets feel my breath right in your neck listen to what you

hear from down below those voices raping your dreams I am the one who tries to make them make them carry on

Show you all the pain that you have caused sucking all the blood that we have lost bringing all the fear that you have brought you can be sure we will carry on

We're focused just on you now can't hide from us and I tell you what we're already inside you and cause the sounds that you

Hear from down below those voices raping your dreams I am the one who tries to make them make them carry on

Show you all the pain that you have caused sucking all the blood that we have lost bringing all the fear that you have brought you can sure we will carry on

Watch your back you fuck we will free your soul to set the world free

Grabbing right into your head turning your thoughts to chaos hatred for all that we've lost feeding brutality running through your veins we'll chop you from the inside of yourself

Who do you think that we are what do you think you can do to us we are the monsters you fear we are the legion you

Hear from down below those voices raping your dreams I am the one who tries to make them make them carry on

Show you all the pain that you have caused sucking all the blood that we have lost bringing all the fear that you have brought you can be sure will carry on forever more


It's coming over me pain fear pain what have I got into blood it rains weakening all my limbs please god help now I have reached the end can't close my eyes shadow comes over me darkness

Ruptures everywhere there's no way back now I walk nevermore bound to the ground vortex of notions is overstraining helpless pile of flesh expectant

Now I fall into the sun I'm loosing my link to earth hold me back try to catch me I've been ripped of my flesh

Pain fear pain nothing is left to feel blood it does matter to me no more please god tell where do you lead me to eyes are closed I can see anyway I am

Loosing all I love there's no escape now falling the wrong way leaving my home I've home I've been condensed to the soul of myself I am not alone we flow as one

Now I fall into the sun I'm loosing my link to earth hold me back try to catch me I'v been ripped of my flesh

We are flowing in one stream to nowhere waiting for something to happen now that remembrance is fading to nothing kept hostage somewhere in time they are screaming

Go go go go go go go go with us go go go go go go come with us go go go go go go go with us go go go go go go you've been thinking long enough to know you're one in a million so follow us to reach the sacred land no matter what you believe Go go go go go go go go with us go go go go go go

And I fall into the sun I'm loosing my link to earth

I fall into the sun I'm loosing my link to earth hold me back try to catch me I've been ripped of my flesh and now I leave it all behind knowing I won't miss it cause everyone I left behind will come to me when everything is done that they're supposed to they will hear them calling

Go go go...


Troops are marching they carry fire sent by the one who's heading higher darkened treasures are his desire with wrong reasons we don't admire

He is the mighty one ruled by the pentagon he is the one to conquer the foreign land the ground that others stand his holy name is

Bloodgoreon son of the sun battery of the new day bloodgoreon king of the dawn the new age now it has come

Yeahhhh we are waiting for the day to come when his reign ends we have to go go go for it to happen so that innocent will find peace

Bound to no one he won't get tired justified by the sacred liar cowardly he repeats denial pushing forward elections trial

He is the mighty one ruled by the pentagon he is the one to conquer the foreign land the ground that others stand his holy name is

Bloodgoreon son of the sun battery of the new day Bloodgoreon king of the dawn the new age now it has come

We've got to fight for the rights of every being on this world we are we are the army of millions we've got to stand as one to overcome the evil one how can a single being terrorize this world we've got to use the force that we are

Bloodgoreon son of the battery of the new day bloodgoreon king of the dawn the new age now it has come



Razor blade my tool of power my refuge in the darkest hour I could end what's my parents gift with only one cut

Lengthways I'll try to figure out what I would feel it hurts but I know that I could stand the pain that I feel right now my trophy is a scar

Pain is already easing my sadness now decreasing

I'll try it again to figure out if I'm still able to stand what could bring so much relief only another scar

I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to be free from sadness I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to be independent I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to increase power I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to flee from reality

I'm going deeper right now I really like it somehow i think that I have lost control with only one cut

Again and again can't stop myself I'm keen on cutting myself it's got to be very deep can't even count those scars

I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to be free from sadness I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to be independent I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to increase power I am cutting myself I am cutting myself to flee from reality

I feel free now what else could be such a Relief I am free now because I could kill myself


I I I I lie in the way not able to stand up I wake up I'm grateful for this cut what's wrong with me and what can I do all I need is one good night rest one good night rest

Walking on clouds I'm stumbling and falling suddenly I'm in bed and I'm crawling I woke up again again and again but I need to fall asleep now

All I need is rest I can't stand this I'm shattered

Hello you can you hear me I'm not a dream can you feel me I'll crush you I will shine bright bad conscience calls from the inside

You're not worth any sleep cause your guilty not able to respect you duty you won't get your sleep until you have done what you have to this I promise

All I need is rest I can't stand this I'm shattered

Hello you can you hear me I'm not a dream can you feel me I'll crush you I will shine bright bad conscience calls from the inside

So I catch my breath I am longing for one good night sleep I wish to be strong I can't go on like this I have been wrong I hate this life and I wish to be free

That's the way I Crush you nothing not even my conscience can rule me cause I am the king of my own yes I can rule you cause I am the push that you need to get something done now step aside I had enough of you now I am through with you

All I need is rest for today and forever

Hello you can you hear me I am still inside you can you feel me I'll crush you I will shine bright bad conscience calls the inside

You can't get away from the game you play I will always carry on



Another end has come

Paper once white now black

Drenched In guilt and sorrow

In darkness people tend to follow a stronger voice

Like puppets on strings


Information's flooding my head brainwash with no regret mindless moronism instead of forthright truth ahead I can't stand those lies that are affecting us I am not the one to take it lying down

Watching a war form one point of view intrigues coming through murder everywhere reasons to stand and stare

omnipresent methods to plant a conflict like a brand I am not the one to take it lying down

Watching a war from one point of view intrigues coming through murder everywhere reasons to stand and stare

Lying and longing for tragedy broadcasted on a screen they are not willing to challenge your stories to keep up truth we are consuming sensations contagious and greedily tearing reality verity virtue and truth apart

Then I lean back I take time to reflect on being affected now come along reflect on right or wrong to cut those strings off

Politicians struggling their fights in the name of human rights I can't stand those lies that are affected us

watching a war from one point of view intrigues coming through murder everywhere reasons to stand and stare

Screens an speakers marching ahead now blood has to be shed I am not the one to it lying down

Watching a war from one point of view intrigues coming through murder everywhere reasons to stand and stare

Lying and longing for tragedy broadcasted on a screen they are not willing to challenge your stories to keep up truth we are consuming sensations contagious and greedily tearing reality, verity, virtue and truth apart

Then I lean back I take time to reflect on being affected now come along reflect on right or wrong to cut those strings off

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