Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation)

Liste des groupes Death Metal Avulsed Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation)

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Nom du groupe Avulsed
Nom de l'album Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation)
Type Album
Date de parution 01 Juin 2009
Style MusicalDeath Metal
Membres possèdant cet album60


 Breaking Hymens
 Killing After Death
 Voracious Backpacker
 Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation)
 Nazino (Cannibal Hell)
 Fair Flesh Obsession
 Infernal Haemorrhoids (Pt. 2)
 She's Hot Tonight (In My Oven)

Durée totale : 41:40

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Commentaire @ egane

08 Août 2009
Actually I have known this band for long time to talk although without a clarity at more for all the releases   until this album-come as new release in 2009. There is some increasing point that Avulsed put for the title and existence where is a fortitude band from Madrid crimson scene that still purveys the old school rhythms by the directed path due the appearance of musicality. As that I assume where this band melds a few elements from Death Metal, Gore and Grind Core into the music with the vulgar/ gory artworks like the ordinary-made. Perforating this album gist, never be dominating the sound that softly risen with the middle arrangements without the forsaken tensions to the fastness. Riffs are wielding and dense with the concavity leads rawer than, beats from drum are abstract for power in the un-tightening levels and middle- stroke where the vocal makes invulnerable the compositions with the guttural scrubbing or huge growl--given the energetic portions to the rapidness. The mediocrity is really fathomed in the rooms which fasten, not atmospheric but so favorable due the character and temps. This is to endow the feeling where some of this album on play those are the medley Killing After Death and Breaking Hymens-darker oscillating, I like the tasty-tight riffs and the alleviated intensity without solidity intricate the heaviness as hailing to bands such as: Broken Hope and Flesh Grind. And so forth, the circle of mentation that without the rustling atmosphere widely better than the last albums Reanimations or Gorespattered Suicide, floating the even of gully. "Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation)" is an embodiment concept although abstract for the instruments. A simple album but I have ever looked  for the no profusing awfulness, and I found for Avulsed, the amalgamation band that obtained maturity now from collecting releases.An applause where this band is really familiar in some countries between others old bands that still depend until now.  So, if you are not in a busy-minded it's better to listen this album and enjoy the cinch to be stronger to the cruel world. Never think the un- intrinsic portrait outside, just enter inside to relate about this overtures.

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