French Industrialists Reverence sign to Candlelight

Lunes 01 Noviembre 2010 - 20:42:16 by MothandMoon

French Industrial Black Metal Horde ‘Reverence’ have caught the eye of
Candlelight, who have signed them to their ever-growing roster. The band
were previously on Osmose and have worked with Xeb Nort of Anorexia
Nervosa  and have had split releases with the likes of Blut Aus Nord.

The band had this to say about signing to Candlelight Records

12 years of adventure and 3 albums, Reverence is proud to announce his
signing with Candlelight Records. The band took advantage of this new
way to enter in another dimension of his universe. After the Trilogy
('Industrial Mental Concept', 'Chamber of Divine Elaboration', 'Inactive
Theocracy'), Reverence pushes its limits further into violence and


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