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biografía : To My Surprise

As is in all things, together we can do what alone we could not. Like the distinctive grooves on a long- playing phonograph record that contains an individual selection or seperate section of a WHOLE, we came together as individuals and through selflessness became part of something much more magnificent, rich, and sumptuous in nature, than any of us could have imagined. Our backgrounds merely subdued music played as an accompaniment to the dialogue in what will eventually be a dramatic performance of the beautiful. All of our collective participation in the arts leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill, but most importantly, our ability to live in peace with one another despite our differences. In the truest or most genuine sense of the word BAND. Ready to rove the face of this nonluminous celestial body, igniting it with the representation of light in art. As an authentic work of art, distinguished from a copy or reproduction, we originally came together with no result or effect intended or desired. Our determination lying solely in the act or style of performing the art with no intention. In an unrestrained manner; freely; spontaneously. Improvisation delivered extemporaneously. A jam session. What we got is a whole different anecdote. The chemistry was evident immediately. Our ability to interchange ideas, or express ourselves in such a way that was readily and clearly understood. Connected in the reception of communion. Each of us playing an equally important role in the creation of the beautiful, and at the same time giving heed to the broadcast between the others. Tuned in. From the onset, our musical composition or adaptation of a lyric poem or ballad a melodious utterance, like a bird call. Forming our shapes on the canvas with that aspect of things that is caused by the differing qualities of the light reflected or emitted by them. Defined only in the terms of the observer. The individual perception of them. Never in a state of distress with cause or source of disturbance or difficulty. Effortlessly for all time, continuously. TO MY SURPRISE having no boundaries or limits. Existing beyond or being greater than any arbitrarily large value. Pertaining to a set capable of being put into one to one correspondance with a proper subset of itself. For ever lasting time; eternally, incessantly, we advance gradually but firmly. Our act of seeking or pursuing the beautiful like an expedition undertaken by a knight in a medieval romance.

Source : myspace.com