logo Sporae Autem Yuggoth

biografía : Sporae Autem Yuggoth

Sporae Autem Y uggoth is an independent chilean band, from T alagante, región Metropolitana. Cultists of an old school style, the band delivers death/doom metal in the old spirit, without losing a strong sense of authenticity and identity , creating dark atmospheres from his sonic and visual proposal.
The band starts his career on august 2019, one month later, the band debut on stage with 4 original compositions. After two months, they record the first demo EP while in parallel, they continue creating new compositions and playing in región Metropolitana.
In February 2020, the demo EP debut is released on digital platforms, titled "The Plague Of The Aeons”. At the same time, an agreement is reached with the label Necrolatry Records of Malaysia, for the distribution and sale of the demo EP in cassette format, while the band independently publishes and distributes the demo EP in CD format. An agreement is currently being reached with the underground label Narcoleptica Productions of Russia, for distribution and sale in Europe.

Source : https://sporaeautemyuggoth.bandcamp.com/releases