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biografía : Sgt Carnage

Sgt.Carnage, a band from southern Sweden delivering furious, fast and well performed death metal, incorporating influences from good old Bay Area Thrash, was formed in spring 2001. The members comes from different bands and backgrounds, but all with loads of musical experience.

The line-up consists of Per Melander and Anders Nyander on guitars, Simon Frödeberg on bass, Joakim Unger on drums and Mats Lyborg as vocalist. The band very soon had assembled a repertoire of pure brutal metal of highest Swedish standards.

On the 26th of October-2001 the band made its first ever live performance, played in Kristianstad, Sweden, and it received a massive response from the audience. The concert was recorded and thanks to the high quality, later was made as a demo-MCD called “Live Execution”. Further performances have given Sgt.Carnage a local recognition as a professionally performing band with music of very high quality.

In November 2002 Sgt.Carnage entered a studio to record the much appreciated demo “Agitation”. During spring 2004 a second 4-track studio recording, called “Absolut Carnage” was unleashed, featuring grind and even more intense material than before.

After some concerts and assembling of new material the last demo “The Bleeding Ground” was recorded in May 05 and a new web site was put together at www.sgt-carnage.com .

Also appearing on

Joakim Unger:
-Immersed In Blood, Sweet for my Sweets, 2000, Lowlife Records
-Immersed In Blood, Relentless Retaliation, 2001, Downfall Rec.
-Immersed In Blood, Killing Season, 2003, Arctic Music Group
-Supreme Majesty, Tales of a Tragic Kingdom, 2001, Massacre
-Supreme Majesty, Danger, Danger, 2003, Massacre

Anders Nyander:
-Non Serviam, Necrotical, 1998, Invasion Records
-Non Serviam, Play God, 1999, Aftermath Music
-In Black, True Darkness, 2000
-In Black, Pin-Up, 2001

Per Melander:
-Bastard, Vengeance from the Grave, 2000
-Verminous, Smell The Birth Of Death, 2003, Nuclear Winter
-Verminous, Impious Sacrilege, 2003, Xtreme Music

Simon Frödeberg:
- Evil Doer, Terror Audio, 2005, Scarlet Records

Source : http://www.sgt-carnage.com/