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biografía : Scream Serenity

Jordan and Ethan (original members) - had played in and out of many bands in the past, solo projects and session playing from time to time.
It was mid 2013 when Jordan (lead Singer and Guitars) launched a post to the open world for recruiting band members for the former group 'Scream Serenity'.
It came to attention when Ethan was drummer for the former band Endalo, and had notified the ex Lead Singer and Guitarist that his Brother was looking to take on roles. - Ian Jumped to the opportunity while this had risen and slowly throughout the Year became more and more interested, in becoming the next Lead/Backing vocalist for the band.

After the long summer days had past - autumn was firmly around the corner, a fresh new sense of production was rising for Studio Seventeen. Jordan throughout the Months had calibrated the former tracks from the bands past, and had freshened the rhythm patterns and structure. Passing musical licks and recordings to the new Lead Guitarist over Soundcloud, Ian soon became more adaptable to the sound and feel for the band. This didn't take long until the new Lead was formed & was throwing in ideas to the Lead Singer Jordan.
After knitting together more from the past and making it their very own, Ian then brought what he has been influenced by over the Years, to the Studio – where Ethan and Jordan could engage their input and create a powerful created piece.

Long term days went by and it only broke to the point where the band were in need for a bass guitarist, and were keeping firm eyes and ears open for the future role to be filled. The band had endorsed bass players from past connections, but either didn’t turn out to be what they were looking for, or the bass plainly didn’t turn up.

After time and effort had past, coincidently, at the moment of breaking point, someone had messaged the bands Facebook page advertising their role for a future bass player.
Ian had noticed the message and soon took the new bass player (Jason) under the bands wing.
“Jason has a certain way in which he sets his personality aside of everything around him when playing bass.” – Ian states. “He adapted so quickly to what we had in mind for a bass player, & that’s a good thing, I and Jordan were looking way into late 2013 for any sign of someone approaching, and having the right criteria for the bands personality.”

The band brought together a fresh new line of newly written and re-written tracks from the past. It took a few Months for ‘Scream Serenity’ to nail the creations in the wall – Structuring to perfection and setting sound were the key for live purposes.

It wasn’t long after when Studio Seventeen fired up the AUX’s, Shure Mics and tape for the recording of the long awaited E.P.

In late 2014 The band parted was with Jason and the band auditioned Ian's close friend Paul Hardy. At the first jam they all hit it off together and Paul filled the new slot of bassist perfectly, bringing his own ideas from the moment he was in the rehearsal room an the band have continued to grow from strength to strength.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/screamserenityband/info