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biografía : Hellface

Hellface were formed in the end of 2008 by guitarist Alex and drummer Bry... the intention of the couple was create a new-powerful band with an abrasive mix of thrash and death, plus the speed of grindcore... the local metal scene needed new music.

New fucking heartquake... and our friends became to create a some songs... "Love's black brother", "Rancid", "Death from above" plus two instrumental tracks ready in february 2009... when Alex and Bry decided to call a singer Sam. He immediately felt good with guys and wrote titles e lyrics for the songs, demonstrating perfect attitude with the new band and bringing with his voice all brutality necessary.

After several months (and several guitarist) the band decided to take the young and talented Miky... this choice bring satisfaction to Hellface, cause Miky is an important and creative element and his melodic way to play helped very much the killer riffing of Alex... Steve the bass player was the last bullet of this perfect war rifle. He completed definitively the sound of the band and on his previous bands was a perfect live animal.

Finally, on july of 2010, Hellface are ready to battle with a strong first demo, now available. 4 assasin tracks were recorded : "Love's black brother", "Mr no one", " Rancid", "Voice of hate" and other tracks that the band will play live on the first live show with... Napalm Death !!!

For next spring will be ready first album... Hellface a new brutal promise !!!!... Love, Your Black Brothers Are Stronger !!

Source : http://www.myspace.com/hellfacemusic