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biografía : Flaussen

Flaussen is a metal band from Quebec city.
Flaussen was initially formed in 2005 by three friends: Mathieu Drapeau (singer, bass), Benoit Bergeron (former rhythm guitar) and Jonathan Savard (drums). The three friends’ focus is primarily on covers at first, of bands like Rammstein and Killswitch Engage, playing primarily for fun, without necessarily having specific goals for the future. Then, with more ambition, they join forces with two other friends: Mathieu Houde (solo guitar) and Alvéric Alie (former bass), to officially become a cover band: Flaussen is born. A few live shows then took place, including one specifically dedicated to Rammstein in 2010. Around 2011, the members started discussing becoming a songwriting band. After multiple experiments and several drafts songs, real compositions, aligned with the tastes of each member, are born. In 2017, Benoit Bergeron and Alvéric Alie decided to part ways with Flaussen, which left a guitar and bass position to fill. Mathieu Drapeau then decides to take the bass position, while staying the main vocalist. Wishing to add more depth to their compositions, Flaussen asks Jonathan Neault (keyboard), a friend, to join the group in 2018. With his theoretical experience and his talents on the keyboard, Jonathan is an asset for the band. He also has music production knowledge, which is very useful during the process of creating the album, which was entirely self-produced. At the beginning of 2020, Yves St-Laurent, Mathieu Houde's neighbor, joins the group to fill the remaining guitar position. Yves is a great addition to the group as he is talented, motivated and has a lot of live experience. Flaussen is now complete and ready for more compositions and live shows!

Source : https://www.facebook.com/Flaussen/about