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biografía : Flatline (USA-1)

December 2005 - Flatline is pumping life into Los Angeles's hardcore heavy metal scene with a commanding sound and energy all its own, with a fervor and independence reminiscent of its influences, from Metallica to Slayer to Pantera.
The Los Angeles band, recently sponsored by the Independent Artist Registry, Coffin Case, Evil Threads and Illusion Guitars, will perform at the first annual Evil Threads "Goats Gone Wild" showcase, January 14th at the Key Club in West Hollywood, an event offering the best in local up-and-coming bands. The show, sponsored by Evil Threads, Revolver magazine, Jagermeister and Halo Guitars will showcase Flatline's brutal live stage performance and original songs from their latest release "Massive Aggressive." This eight song album is a rarity in this day of drop tuning and one finger chords. "Massive Aggressive" is real metal with an old-school-thrash feel, garnished with moving life experiences ranging from murder in "Through the Glass" to pure determination in "Statistic".

Featured in the August 2005 issue of Revolver magazine, Flatline is also making their mark in the world of metal with the help of the Internet. In mere months the band's two Web pages, Official Flatline Website and Flatline Myspace have racked up over 50,000 hits and 4,000 fan comments combined. The band has already powered its way into the Los Angeles metal scene with appearances at the famed Whisky, Troubadour, Knitting Factory, Roxy and the Gig in Hollywood as well as clubs from Bakersfield to Las Vegas to San Diego. Flatline is currently nominated for "Outstanding New Band" and "Outstanding Metal Band" for LA's Rock City News 11th annual "The Rockies 2005" awards show. The metal masters are set to amp up early 2006 with more head-banging gigs in and around Los Angeles and a third tour to New Mexico is scheduled.

Flatline features five unique musical talents linked by a single passion--unadulterated thrash metal. Band members include lead vocalist Travis Johnson, a Los Angeles native whose hauntingly personal lyrics and powerful delivery give Flatline an unrivaled edge. Guitarist Jason Thompson of Frazier Park, Calif., supplies back-up vocals and an eclecticism influenced by numerous musical genres. Lead guitarist Randy Weitzel hails from Pittsburgh and careens from speed thrash metal to elaborate acoustic arrangements. Bassist, Matt Snell is originally from Chicago and adds an inspired technique to the rhythm section. Drummer Tim Hassemer, a native of Espanola, NM, puts a dynamic and distinct musical voice at the core of Flatline' music.

"There are a lot of bands that can thrash but a band that has the ability to thrash and understand the intensity of a harmony as well, those are true musicians," is an example of what's being said about Flatline.
