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biografía : Death Or Glory

The band is born with the name After Midnight at the end of August 1998 in order to support some concerts in which they will play some covers of Judas Priest and some of their songs composed for that occasion. The initial formation was composed by: Fabio " Vyper " (vocals), (A)Lex (guitar), Marco " Kriminal " (bass), Dany-Hell (drums). The members have played in some important local underground formation like Sin, Fuorimoda and Dark Wylderness. Thanks to the positive response from the public what it was born like a game begins to become a something more serious. The band changes the name in Death or Glory and decide to record a demo-tape in order to introduce their songs to some label. The first one demo, simply entitled "Promo '98", will receive some good reviews on some specialist magazines and fanzine and take the name of the band to the ear of some Italian record labels. In the meantime, after some change in the line up, between which the arrival of the drummer Nik, the live activity of Death or Glory goes on. Between the other apparitions one of the most representative is the participation to the regional contest Versus, that, with a placing to the third place on beyond 60 groups, will allow the band to record a song (Consecrated Steel), for the C.D. compilation of the competition. Between December 1999 and January 2000 the band decides to record two songs Metal Crown and Revenge that, joined to Consecrated Steel, will make the second demo-tape Thunder Blades that will take them to the record contract. During the springtime of 2001 Death or Glory will stop their live activity to complete the debut CD "In The Middle Of The Storm" for the label Steelborn division of Northwind Records.

Source : http://www.northwindrecords.com/b/b/dea/x.htm