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biografía : Death Maze

In the autumn of 2007, Alexandra Trzoska, Evelina Åström, Emma Janze and Johanna Lindqvist created Death Maze. We had a temporary drummer (ockaz) until we found the 12 year old talented drummer Wille Sjöberg. after some circumstances Evelina left the band(08) and we took in Nilas Frykholm on bass. Efter playing togheter one year we decided that it was time to go seperated ways. We then found Max Malmer. Alexandra Trzoska left the band when she moved to stockholm in 2010. In april 2011 Sofie Pålsson joined to play the bass and Max switched to the guitar instead.

The summer of 2011 Sofie moved to South Sweden and we also decided that it was time to go seperated ways with Max.

Death Maze is currently on a break since we all have alot going on in high school, and other bands and stuff at the moment.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Death-Maze/194102760623726