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biografía : Dargaard

Dargaard was founded by Tharen in 1997. The band was his opportunity to step away from his usual genre (Black Metal) and experiment with a different approach to express attitudes and feelings.

With Elisabeth Toriser, who took over the vocal responsibilties in 1998, Dargaard was able to successfully complete the recording of their debut Cd,"Eternity Rites", released by Napalm Records under the Draenor Productions banner in October 1998.

August the following year has Dargaard back in the studio. The follow up to "Eternity Rites" remains within Dargaard..s signature style and promises to prove once again their undeniable skill in creating superior melodies and atmosphere.
"In Nomine Aeternitatis" was released on 06.03.2000.

June 2001 welcomed Dargaard's third recording effort, the "Dissolution of Eternity". This CD has been described as having reached a milestone in innovative darkwave. With this 3rd record the Trilogy about Eternity
has been completed.

Dargaard's latest full length release, "Rise and Fall", offers a magical sound experience characterized by impressive compositions. Atmospheric, enigmatic Dark Wave melodies embedded in bombastic choirs and orchestral arrangements are transformed into impressive works of art by the bewitching voice of Elisabeth Toriser.
"Rise and Fall" was released in March 2004 and was featured in various magazines as album of the month.

Source : myspace.com/dargaard