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biografía : Bushfire

BUSHFIRE formed in late months of 2004. Early on they decided to focus on creating the typical rock cliche' trilogy,. SEX, DRUGS and ROCK&ROLL. After the release in Feb. 2005 with the DEMO album --HER(T)-- dedicated to all the romances over the years., They've returned a year later Feb. 2006 with the DEMO album --ADDICTIONS-- this album focused on dependancies of the human mind and body. NOV 3rd 2007 They released the 3rd and final demo, --R-EVOLUTION--, centralizing on manipulation and choice! Marcus and Bill are already writing new material for the actual CD/LP release (BLACK ASH SUNDAY) which will consist of 6-10 new songs PLUS certain rereleases from all 3 demos. To Be Released in October 2010.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/bushfiremusic