logo Black Moon (CHL)

biografía : Black Moon (CHL)

The band was born 1995 in the city of Concepcion, Chile founded by Lord Awkynxe.y Surt, guitar and vocals / bass respectively (ex - Trifixion).

After several lineup changes and some productions Ep format, finally released from the hand of Nicolas Onfray (Camera Obscura, Animus Mortis), its long-awaited first official album called "The Other Way of rebellion", which comes in chile independently Print full CDR format and later in Peru under GOH Records (Gate of Horrors) during early 2013.

They are currently preparing their upcoming live tape format, which will usher in a new production that would be in mid-July 2013.

The current lineup of Black Moon is:

+ Lord Awkynxe (guitars)
+ Hell's (Scream)
+ Maniac Bastard (bass)
+ Kaum (drums)

Source : Lord Awkynxe