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biografía : Angel Disorder

How it all began; Brutal Reality

Three years after the formation of Angel Disorder (wich the original line-up of Henry, Bas, Dick and Marco), the band independently released their debut demo 'Brutal Reality' in 2012, recorded in 'the Alien Music Cave' in Hoogeveen and mixed and mastered by Sebastiaan Pierik. Due to circumstances, the band entered a hiatus after the release that lasted until 2019. From that year onwards, the thread was picked up again, because Dick Kloosterhuis (vocals/bass) managed to find singer/guitarist Henry ten Napel during a barbecue at the local metal association in Coevorden. willing to continue with that much-needed “outlet”.

The search for a drummer starts and he is eventually found in Klazienaveen. Maik Snippe, at that time drummer with the metal band D.A.M.N., wanted to try it because he wanted to become more proficient in a more extreme metal style.
The trio then gets to work in a floating studio behind his home. New songs are being worked on and old riffs and songs from the early days are being taken off the shelf, dusted off and added to the new track list. Later, solo guitarist David Veldhuis joins the line up. The road to the new EP, which has now been titled 'Toxic Wrath', is not going entirely smoothly. After corona and the associated rules and measures and some other things, the band briefly fell apart again.
Yet, after a silence of several months, Angel Disorder is suddenly active again and this time with Marco Arends (Altar, ex-God Dethroned) behind the drum kit. There is movement again.

Metalfront Coevorden:
The band finds a new space to rehearse close to home: the Metalfront Coevorden building.
Fed up with the delay, the accelerator is pressed hard, they practice like crazy so that everyone is attuned to each other as quickly as possible and all five tracks plus a last minute extra song are deemed good enough for recording within six months. Sebastiaan Pierik is approached again for the recordings and he says that he would like to do it, he is looking forward to a metal project whose music is slightly different from that of most other metal bands.
In November 2022, the rehearsal space will be converted into a studio and the long-awaited recordings will begin. It takes approximately 16 hours spread over three recording days before all the songs are on the tape.
The mixing and mastering were successfully completed this summer.

Source : Henry ten Napel