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biografía : Aeon Of Fear

AEON OF FEAR was formed in 2000 from Mike on bass and Sebastian on guitar. Both realized their ideas very quickly, but the young band didn't have enough musicans.

So in 2001 Susan joined in the band for playing keyboards. Now the only question was, how to find a good drummer. After hard search and some advertisements we found a talented drummer - Enrico came to our band. So we were working on our own music at the session room of "Sterbend Besungen" in Eisenach.

This time was very complicated, but not least because of the long distance to our session-room. So we were forced to stop over for almost one year. After this time Mike left the band.
In September of 2002 Steffen, our new bassist joined in the band and last but not least Martin - our new voice. Finally the band´s line up was complete and we were now able to exercise regular, so you can say, that September 2002 is the real date of foundation - AEON OF FEAR was born.

With this combination of musicans the next project was recording the song Frozen Eyes. This song appeared at the sampler "To Mother Earth", produced by Irminsul-Marketing (more can you find in this news). Now we are busy with writing new songs and exercising to complete our debut album, planned for 2004.