Squire Matt

Nombre Squire Matt
Birth date 07 Mayo 1976
Paîs USA
Ciudad Washington

Early years and personal life
Matt Squire was born in Washington, D.C. on May 7, 1976 to John Squire and Lynn Zwerin. He was drawn to music at an early age. He got his first guitar at age 8 and he taught himself how to play drums at age 10. Squire attended high school at Georgetown Day School and graduated in 1994. He went on to attend Boston University and graduated in 1999.

Prior to producing, Squire was in numerous bands. He was in Ashes, Miltown, The Dubnicks, Long Distance Runner and The Rise Park. After The Rise Park folded, Squire recorded some demos for The Explosion. Soon after that, he went on to work with producer Paul Q. Kolderie. Squire and Kolderie banded together and reopened Fort Apache Studio in Boston under the name Camp Street Studio. In late 2004, Squire moved to the Washington, D.C. area to open up SOMD studio in College Park, Maryland. After moving back to the Washington area, Squire was re-introduced to Alexandra (Ali) Mackler. Squire and Mackler went to the same high school and university. Prior to his May 2007 marriage, Squire moved into a new home down the road from College Park and reopened SOMD studio in his home. After years of success in Maryland, Squire moved to Los Angeles. Currently, Squire maintains SOMD studio in Maryland and also works out of Los Angeles.

Musical style
Matt Squire is known for producing and writing pop and rock music. He has a knack for discovering underground artists and helping them refine their sound. Squire works very closely with his artists. He is known as a hands-on producer who often makes lyrical and musical suggestions. He also co-writes with artists and writers.

In addition, he worked on season one and two of the American version of The X Factor.

Produced albums