Boris The Blade : Séparation du groupe

Wednesday 23 January 2019 - 14:33:00 by Juli1hard

Le groupe de deathcore australien a annoncé sa séparation après 9 années de service. Il fera une dernière tournée en Australie et à l'international. Voici la déclaration en anglais publiée sur leur facebook: 

"Hail everyone ! 

After almost 9 years, Boris The Blade have decided to call it a day. 

It was a hard & sad decision to make over the past couple of months by all members of the band. 

Music has been a big part of our lives and has taken up a lot of our time as individuals.

Of late, priorities, circumstances and other interests in life have taken us all in different directions to BTB. 

We love all the music we have made and have been fortunate to have toured the world and met so many amazing people. We appreciate all the support and can’t thank our fans enough. 

We will be leaving with a tour of final performances in Australia and one last International tour. 

Grab a ticket to our Final Melbourne Hometown show with A Night In Texas Whoretopsy & BLKLST 

Don’t miss out."

Source :


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