Behemoth (PL) : Nergal is back in Hospital

Wednesday 02 February 2011 - 21:38:35 by skinless

Adam Darski (known as Nergal and frontman of Behemoth) is back to hospital due a strong Infection a few weeks after his bone marrow transplant.
Dr. Maria Bieniaszewska, assistant professor in the Department of Hematology at Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne in Gdansk told the Polish site "The patient was taken back to hospital because he did not take care of himself"
It not known yet how long Nergal has to stay in Isolation this time.


Mercenarion - 02 February 2011 à 21:58:07
Damn. A strong Infection in connection with the bone marrow is very serious. I really hope he gets better.
gletscherwolf - 02 February 2011 à 22:27:33
"Not taking care of himself". Now, that is plain stupid with an affliction like that, (Unless he has a strong death Wish, of course)
miniradman - 07 February 2011 à 10:31:08
He must be very unlucky.
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